Any tips on room cleaning(HELP PLEASE!!URGENT!)?

So I am in college and I need to have my dorm cleaned out by tomorrow. BUT my place is a total wreck, papers, plastic bags, and trash everywhere, clothes are strewn all over, my bathroom is gross, my carpet is in dire need of vacuuming. I am cleaning right now, but I HATE cleaning (obviously).

Any tips on how to speed this up and how to clean effienciently?Or how to make it more interesting?I seriously dread, dread, dread cleaning.

Any tips would be VERY helpful. Thank you in advance.
My table and carpet have sticky stuff on them too. Any special cleaners I am supposed to use?


  1. Just throw everything away in a very big trash bag. lysol and pine-sol will be your best friend for the night.

  2. Start with bags. Get bags for trash..others for clothes, etc. Start in one area and then move to the next. Going back and forth wastes time and you get nowhere! Call some friends over to see if they will help too. For the sticky stuff it depends on what you’re cleaning but I have noticed that Pledge cleans just about ANYTHING! Good luck, I know how much cleaning sucks but we gotta do it!

  3. get this stuff together:
    cleaner, garbage bags ,toweling or paper towels and your vacuum
    also a clothes basket or two depending
    you don’t need special cleaner mix according to bottle directions for concentrated cleaner or for very soiled items

    turn on stereo/ turn off phone, computer, tv anything that is distracting
    take an inventory of exactly what needs done make a list and mark those off as you finish
    go one room at a time and clean from top to bottom then look at this room as if you are a parent coming to see your kid for the first time then re clean anything you missed .
    this cleaning if done in this manner should take no more than two hours tops

    i’d help if i could but i can only give you this parting advice clean as you go about your day. pick up any mess as it happens and you won’t ever be in a rush again.

  4. I don"t know how u can live like this. If u clean after yourself or avoid making a mess ,u won"t be stressed . First thing get rid of the clutter. Throw out all the papers, plastic bags, & the junk. Then clean one area at a time. Buy lots of disinfecting wipes & wipe everything. Use carpet cleaner for the carpet..Next time don"t make a mess if u don"t like to clean. Learn to fold your clothes as soon as you take them off. Put some music on so it feels like fun too.

  5. since its a dorm room, it shouldnt take very long. start by getting rid of all the trash. then just pack up everything else. use soap and water to wash off the sticky stuff, then vacuum.

  6. The trick I use for my kids is to start with one kind of thing, like "papers only", then move onto "books only", then legos, then cloths, etc. One of my daughters prefers to count her items. So I’ll tell her to go pick up "one dozen" things or 50 things, depending. My other daughter loves me to set the timer for 5 minutes then she counts as she picks up and then she tells me how many things she got in that 5 minutes. Timers work well for me, lists too, then you can mark them off as you finish and see on paper what you did when you’re done.

    For the sticky stuff get a rag w/ hot soapy water and set it on the sticky area for 5 min (while you pick up) and then scrub it after that and see if that works. For really hard things try Goof Off in small cans at the store.

  7. Why didn’t you just keep it clean to begin with. Cleaning takes a lot of time, and if you knew your dorm had to be cleaned out tomorrow, why didn’t you start last week?

    If it’s mostly papers, clothes, and trash, then it shouldn’t be hard. Just put all the papers and clothes together and go through them later. Dorms are pretty small, so it shouldn’t take long (depending on how dirty it is). Maybe borrow a vacuum from someone you know. Just blast some loud music and get to work.

    Believe it or not, peanut butter and a scraper works well to get sticky stuff off of a table or carpet. Mayonaise works well too. It’s because of the oil in it. But anyways, good luck.

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