I have to clean my whole entire house, how can I do this fast but…

My best friend is coming over tomorrow for my birthday and is staying a few days. Well, my entire house is a wreck, and I have to clean it all on my own. I’m planning on pulling an all nighter, and sucking it up and doing it. My mom is making me do it, so that’s why I’m doing it. I have loads of laundry to do, vacuuming, dishes, etc..I’m so overwhelmed…Please help with any tips.

Thanks 🙂


  1. There’s no trick or easy simple tip. Cleaning is work. You just got to hop to it. The vacuuming, dishes, laundry. Sweep it , mop it, Get sponge and a bucket , bleach, comet, or 409, Sop it wet. Dry it clean. Hope you have fun at your allnighter.


  2. Start with the laundry. Come back to laundry every cycle to switch it over. I like to fold it all at the end, but I hang just about anything that can wrinkle. If you dry the majority of your laundry, then you may want to fold each load as you go.

    Try and finish one task (or two depending on the time cycle) in between loads of laundry. I have a 3500 square foot house and I’m a semi-neat freak, so I clean it once a week head-to-toe. I finish one room at a time. I put things in piles so I can be efficient every time I leave the room I am working on. I’ll run everything up stairs at once, or throw out all the trash at once, etc.

    Good Luck! Nothing worse than doing a bigger than necessary job on a time crunch. She sounds like a great Mom!

    Hang in there, and stay focused. It’s all about not stopping until its done.

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