1. First of all put everything away as soon as you are done with it, this eliminates clutter which makes even the cleanest house look dirty, and cuts down on the cleaning time alot. If you have a dishwasher load it and start it before you go to bed, if not do the dishes as soon as dinner is done and let them dry in the strainer all night. Before bed use a wet sponge to wipe off counters, stove, table and front of fridge. Make beds as soon as you get up. Clean up spill in the fridge as soon as they happen, and throw out any leftovers that are over four days old. While the coffee brews put the dishes away. Sweep the kitchen, bathroom, and dining room. Vacuum in the living, family, and bedrooms, (if everything is already put away after use this takes no more than a few minutes). Once a week scrub the sink, toilet, and tub, and mop the abthroom floor. Mop kitchen and dining room once a week. Dust once a week. And for laundry I have two hampers in the laundry room the white one is for whites and the blue is for colors, whenever there is enough for a load do it, start it, and while it is going do your other stuff. As soon as it is dry fold and put away this takes only a few minutes because it isn’t piling up. I really don’t iron because I take the clothes out and fold or hang them up straight from the dryer while they are still warm and the wrinkles pretty much fall out of them. I do this everyday while waiting for the bus for my two oldest and it takes me forty-five minutes,an hour if I do the floors. Once you get into a routine, it takes no time to clean a house the major thing is to put things away as soon as you are done using them, because if you don’t I have found that I seem to spend forever picking up.

  2. well when you start just like put a load in the washer if you have one and start sorting out clothes at the same time that shouldn’t take too long. Then you start the dish water and get the vacuum out and plug it in somewhere, while you’re washing dishes you’ll be washing clothes and when you finish the dishes then vacuum and clean up all the other things..The point is to do two things at once like I clean my bathroom, wash clothes and let dishes soak so it won’t take so long to clean when I wash them.

  3. I would do these task every other day divide it up different days so it’s not so overwhelming.One day laundry/ironing another vacuuming and dishes well everyday. You can make a chart when you want to do these things different days until you get the hang of the schedule. It will cut your time.

  4. shove everything under the couch and make little piles everywhere to make it look like theres less clutter. swipe the dishes really quickly with soap, vacuum only around things, not under, shove all sorts of clothes together to be washed.. basically do anything that will save time. plus it’ll give you exercise.. lol.

  5. By getting off the computer and turning off the tv and starting your dish
    water by getting the water hot and letting them soak for a while, then start
    doing the others like vacuuming, doing laundry, and ironing ( when one
    load comes out and another goes on start ironing). If you get finish
    with it before the next load start a smaller chore like dusting, taking
    out some trash, cleaning windows, etc. and before you know it you’re
    through. Good-luck.

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