How could we loose the beauty of the olden days, simplicity, self…

vessel need help to clarify doubt about: : How could we loose the beauty of the olden days, simplicity, self respect, & respect towards others?
I mean, I remember people caring about the way they spoke, etiquette, self respect. There was a beauty in our country that was simple. Yards were kept up. Cars were beautiful, people cared if there was trash or dirt on the streets, so they maintained it clean (they did, not depending on city sweepers) People dressed beautifully. Most importantly people had faith in God, and respected God. Now a days everyone including corporate commercials are into, let’s see how foul we can be and lets see how far we can go with foul language, and no principles or morals. How can we be so blind as to want all this instead of the goodness in all things around us? Are people actually weakening and going around blindly by the powers Satan has cast over them? Driving around in new cars, having credit cards, using foul language and thinking “oh it’s cool”. Never opening up the bible or getting on their knees to pray? It’s not a pretty sight. from the vessel.

Try this:

Answer by The Elven Warrior Maiden
We lost it because we became disillusioned. War and scandals taught us not to trust or take anything at face value. Without basic trust and decency, it all fell apart.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. We got the world we created. The two supposed adults of the house off working to get whatever bauble seeks their mind. Letting the TV babysit at all hours. Letting judges and legislators enwrap are children in an impentable cocoon that no parent dare now penetrate to adminster needed discipline. We raise wild, unmanagable children who seek only their own self-gradification. By our apathy, we place before them video games, PDA’s, cell phones, etc. Just so we don’t have to deal with the nightmares we have created.

  2. Here’s my opinion and since I’m 51 years old, I have some history to back it up. In the 50’s and early 60’s the US was in a boom period. We were still enjoying the economic benefits of WWII and yes, wars boost the economy. Viet Nam came a long and the Beat Generation and Hippies were gaining momentum. They spoke out openly against the war and the establishment. They were speaking peace and love on one hand and don’t bug me on the other. They magnified the attention getting, off beat clothing styles that had always been around. It was that now, with the Hippies in particular, they wanted so much to set themselves apart from their parents ideals that they went over board. Then the Hippies had children and the ME Generation was upon us. It was all about me and forget about you. We were becoming more self absorbed and our respect for anyone other than ourselves waned. Vulgar language became more common in public. Along about this time came Dr Spock. “Give them a time out.” “Give them their freedom.” And suddenly the parents who had drifted toward those ideals anyway drifted away from parenting. So now we have people who are in business, on TV, in magazines, etc and they have a geneology of disrespect and self servitude. Shock instead of respect is the way to get attention. “Give it to me now”, not because I deserve it but because I demand it from you just like I did my mother. We, as a society, have gone in the toilet. But it’s been coming for almost a half century.
    Oh, and just let me say that these responders who say morallity hasn’t changed and those tiems didn’t exist have nothing in their lives to support that. I was there! Things ARE different. Don’t make yourselves something you’re not by saying that it’s always been this way or that it’s in your mind. Baloney!!

  3. The most important answer to your question is not to lose faith. Be the example of all of those beautiful attitudes towards life that you listed above and it may rub off onto someone else. Raise your family in this manner and I guarantee you will have a happy life no matter what. You just posted a big secret about life and happiness. SHH!

  4. Hm, be careful that you’re not going nostalgic for a time that realistically never was. Times have changed, methods of doing things, right or wrong, has changed. Maybe there’s the capacity to do more evil, but people with the intent to do that now definitely existed in all time periods, it just showed through in different ways.

    There were times of sacrifices and slavery. Of mass murders and genocide. Of accusing people of witchcraft they didn’t like or for doing better than themselves. Of cheating families and children off their homeland to annex more to a people not in need. The list can go on forever. “A time of innocence and purity”? When was there ever such times?

  5. It is sad to see how things have changed so drastically in our country. When I was growing up we were taught to say “yes sir and no sir” , please and thank you and excuse me. People seem to be oblivious to those around them these days. It seems manners are a thing of the past. People used to be proud of their families and respected the sanctity of marriage. The media has changed alot of things. We are constantly being bombarded with messages that having certain “things” make us important or worthy…it is very sad to me. We need to get back to our core values again.

  6. To be quite honest, I think you have a pretty unrealistic vision of the past. No time is “ideal” so to say one time was really better than another is pointless. While it may seem that society has become more vuglar, if you really look underneath the surface of the past you will find that it was often just as bad if not worse. What about the other issues which were present outside of the “clean” streets? Issues of discrimination, violence, etc which still continue to this day.

    I honestly do not think that all these people really had faith in God the way you see it. Unfortunately, religion is so involved with the social structure and issues of power that I find it hard to see it as simple and honest. People have always, and will always, use it to their advantage.

    Morals today are the same as they were then-there are those who behave “morally” and those who do not. To put it bluntly- human nature does not change, at least not quickly, so to glorify the past and demonize the present really makes no sense.

  7. Dear friend,

    I do appreciate the deep concern you have for what seems to be a decaying society. What seems to be happening is that a shift is taking place; we are at an impasse as a civilation. To paraphrase Barbara Hubbard, we are either about to self destruct, or create anew. I believe that amidst the hatred and division, most human beings are unconsciously crying out for an evolution – a conscious evolution.

    Some of us have religious comforters, while others practice conscious awareness. Neither is superior to the other, but what would impact the current state of things in a more effective way, would be for spirituality and religion to merge. We haven’t yet defined God in a Universal way; we need to remember God as infinite and Loving. Right now, we are judging and diving from one another because we are divided in our vision of God; we see God as judgmental, and having conditional acceptance and love.

    I feel the human race will overcome this obstacle, but not without a fight – thanks to Ego.

  8. the greatest disease in the west today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved and uncared for. we can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure loneliness, despair and hopelessness is love. the poverty in the west is a different kind of poverty its not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. there’s a hunger for love going unfulfilled, its spilling out onto our ugly lawns, our need for material goods to fill the void, our foul language. all we need is love. i love our country but things need to change.

  9. The good old days were a lot better if you were white. Also, you make a mistake in assuming that the problems the world faces today are due to lack of Christian faith.

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