Water stuck in ear. Already sick with flu. Can't get water out…

PLEASE read what I’ve already tried so you don’t recommend something I’ve done.


☰ ☮ ♥ ☯♫ ☀ ∞ ≈ ☮ ♥ ☯♫ ☀ ∞ ≈☮ ♥ ☯♫ ≈ ☀ ∞ ☰
1. Lay on side, water ear facing up, pour a cap full of 91% rubbing alcohol into it. Let sit. Sit up and let alcohol drain along with the water.

2. Cold compress to ear, attempting to get swelling down so water can come out naturally. Water ear facing down.

3. Taking a nap with water ear facing down.

4. Standing on one leg with head tilted (water ear facing the ground) and jumping and shaking my head.

5. Lay on side, water ear facing up, pour 5 drops vinegar in 10 drops 91% rubbing alcohol in and let sit for 5 minutes. Sit up and let alcohol drain along with the water.

6. Push the meaty part of your hand against your ear to form a light vacuum. Pump hand in and out to pull the water out of your ear.

7. Use a q-tip to try and clear out any build up. (Inside of ear is really swollen.)

8. Massaging the whole area while tilting head, water ear facing the ground.

9. Moving my jaw around like I’m chewing or just moving it so I can feel it in my ear.
☰ ☮ ♥ ☯♫ ☀ ∞ ≈ ☮ ♥ ☯♫ ☀ ∞ ≈☮ ♥ ☯♫ ≈ ☀ ∞ ☰

Is there anything else I can do? I’d hate to have to go to the doctor for THIS when I’m finally getting over a week of Flu.


  1. go to the store and buy Swim Ear. that is suppose to get the water out. if that doesn’t work, you may have fluid in your inner ear, which can cause an infection.

  2. Dont start messing with your ears,youll probably do more damage! Just go see the docter,they’ll fix it!

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