How do I remove rubber marks left by a vacuum cleaner on a vinyl…

jenzee need help to clarify doubt about: : How do I remove rubber marks left by a vacuum cleaner on a vinyl tile floor?
Help! I parked my vacuum cleaner in my bathroom for a few minutes and the rubber bottom left this greasy looking mark that won’t go away with simply washing or scrubbing the area with a soft cloth. Any ideas?

Try this:

Answer by believer
That Mr. Clean magic eraser really works. Try it.

Best of luck to you.

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  1. I would use WD40 it works on anything sticky or rusty . I would also try rubbing alcohol, it works good on that kind of stuff.

  2. The Mr Clean eraser or Brasso (which is cheaper and lasts longer. Get the presoaked cotton cloths and just tear off a little bit). You can also use turpentine but I hate working with flam-able stuff like that

  3. Goo Remover works good or any citris cleaner. If your vacuume is leaving these marks it will keep doing it untill you change your belt and wipe out the extra grease. It happened to me not long ago.

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