What is the best vacuum cleaner for tile floors AND carpet that is…

Kiwi ♥ need help to clarify doubt about: : What is the best vacuum cleaner for tile floors AND carpet that is great for picking up CAT HAIR?
Yeah, I know I’m asking for a miracle! LOL ~ But does anyone know if there is a vacuum cleaner for tile floors and carpet that is great for picking up cat hair?

Try this:

Answer by joanplus4dogs
I love my Dyson Pet vacuum. It has worked great for me for dog & cat hair. Plus for hard floor surfaces I first use a rubber broom which gets up an unbelievable amount of hair & dirt & sand etc. then vacuum.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Dyson, its a little more expensive but it is a great investment. I will never ever go back.

    I have 4 cats (one is a long hair) and 2 dogs and it works wonders, on all types of floors, from laminate to tile to carpet to rugs.

  2. I have a Dyson Pet hair vacuum. It has carpet and hard floor setting. It also comes with an upholstery attachment and an attachment to use under furniture. Its great, worth the money.

  3. Anything works well on carpet, as long as you go slowly, and backwards seems to be the key.
    For your hard flooring, there is nothing that will get up everything on it’s own. A rubber broom, a quick vacuum and a swiffer are the best for getting everything. When I worked janitorial, I would sweep, vacuum, mop, and then go over it again to get the rest that was left behind. Small partials get lifted up and released when the floor is washed, and then it settles all back down.
    I have a kirby, and that leaves as much behind (in terms of pet hair) as the cheap kenmore special I had.

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