Black Beetle in my carpet?

It’s about the size of the cotton part of a q-tip/cotton swab… It’s just a regular shiny black color, but then again this is the first time I’ve seen something like this. I found it crawling on the carpet, so I ran across the room to get something to kill it with. By the time I was back, I saw it digging into my carpet! I was astonished, and disgusted, so I got my vacuum cleaner, and went over the entire room it was in. A little later I saw it again! What is this, are there more beetles, and WHAT DO I DO?!


  1. its a carpet beetle, and if you let the suckers go they will ruin your carpet ! just vacuuming wont get rid of them completly.

    there are sprays available for em !

  2. the description is too big for a carpet beetle…would need to see a pic to know what it is..chances are just an outside beetle(s) that have found their way in

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