What blog site should I use and what are ideas of names for it?

Kelli need help to clarify doubt about: : What blog site should I use and what are ideas of names for it?
I am a college student from the US going to Canada for college next year. I want to do a blog about my experience up there for family and friends to read. I am wondering if anyone has preferences as to what blog site is better (blogspot, wordpress, blogger, tumblr etc) and if you can think of any catchy fun names for my blog.

Try this:

Answer by heyyy
tumblr. you can post pics of things you see, write to inform your family and you can put a ask box so they can ask you about stuff(:

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  1. Blogspot and blogger are both run by Google. They have a lot of ugly themes, but are easy to follow with Google ‘Follow’ widgets.

    Tumblr is quick and fast. There is a lot of junk on tumblr, but has a lot of great stuff too. It is great for it’s simplicity and speed. They have a lot of great themes to use, but here are some premium ones if you are interested: http://themeforest.net/category/blogging/tumblr

    WordPress is the most extensive. There are tonnes and tonnes of plug ins and themes available.

    I would recommend Tumblr if you want clean and quick, or WordPress if you want lots of features (ads, Flickr photo stream, Pinterest or Twitter feed, etc.)

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