Borax house treatment for fleas,just a few ?'s?

First of all, this is the house treatment I’ve chosen to get rid of my flea’s. If your going to tell me oh god wrong idea or bad ida or what have you, please don’t answer.
I have 2 kids and 4 cats. The cats are being put on Revolution Thursday afternoon ( when my shipment comes in ) and until then, i’ve put borax on the carpet for 3 hours and then vacummed. I do this everyday in the main hall ways, and main bedrooms floors. I’ve left the borax on the floor unvaccummed under the beds, sofas etc. I have to vacuum it up, because i have a daughter with very sensitive skin, and asthma related to allergies. I used a medium setting on the vaccum, in hopes that some of the borax would stay deep in the carpets. Even though I do this every day, is it enough? Has anyone ever had breathing problems, or skin issues when using this method of flea house treatment ?
And my big question, is for those who have done this before, what are your tips, secrets, and whats worked best for you?


  1. yes, Advantage is GREAT for fleas! I’ve never tried the borax treatment, but if you want to try something more "natural", you can use dried lavendar buds and eucalyptus leaves crushed and spread into the carpet. Leave it overnight and vaccuum…. be sure to empty the bag. You’ll have to repeat often.

  2. I hope you are emptying out the dust bag outside after you vacuum—you need to get the fleas OUT of the house.

    I’ve never dusted with borax. I have dusted with Hartz Mountain, then vacuumed like you’re doing….but pretty much all that powder is still in the air, it’s VERY bad to breathe–borax, hartz mountain, whatever.

  3. the borax is a good idea so dont worry about that. as far as the fleas are concerned you will have to vacume more often if you can. i hope you have a bag less vac. this can be emptied into a zip lock bag so those fleas and eggs are gone from your house forever. next best thing i found for fleas was advantage no more fleas in a week! it is expensive but you wont be going thru so much borax soap! fleas are a pain to get rid of and they will bite humans as your daughter knows i am sure.the good thing is they can not reproduce on human blood they do need animal blood for this so once you get rid of the fleas on your pets and can keep them off the rest will leave but there eggs remain so keep borax handy and the vacume fired up!

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