1. your not SUPPOSED to scrub the carpet. your suppose to aggitate prespray. not scrub the shit out of it on your hands and knees. in the real world of filthy carpets and apt cleaning. no one scrubs the carpet b/c people and apts that have shitty carpet wont pay enough to have it “scrubbed”. so lets see a real world demo. prespray the o2 and use the rinse with a wand. like i said any good prespray boosted with sodium percarb will yield the same results.

  2. It might be more revealing if the demo had been done side by side with another popular prespray such as ultrapack.

  3. I bought this product and tested it against these product ultrapack, klenzall, prozyme, power burst and discovered that it worked just as well as these products and the customers liked the orange fragrance best. One great plus is this product cost less to use and does a better job

  4. Just for the record, I put about 13-15 ox of this O2 in my hydroforce sprayer and I DO NOT rake or agitate. This stuff melts grime away. I have had to use the hot sauce twice over the past year. Very good product and it has replaced most chemicals on my truck. The only down side is the stuff is very strong smelling when pre-spraying. But it rinses out with low odor. Hell even the rinse cleans and helps to brighten the carpet. O2 is my “go to” for moderate or trashed carpets.

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