How to clean an area rug?

I have an area rug that my poodle urinates on when she’s mad at me. Long story short she did it again while I was out and I didn’t find it until it was dry and smelling up my apartment. Does anyone have tips on how to clean the rug myself without renting a shampooer and maybe how to deodorize the rug. I’ve tried fabreese and the baking soda stuff you leave on the carpet and vacuum up later. they didn’t seem to work before so If anyone has anything else to suggest I’d be most grateful.


  1. When we have an area rug that needs cleaning we take it up to our local self service car wash. The high powered washers work really well cleaning and rinsing the rugs. We usually just hang them over the clothes line to let them drip dry and they look like new.

  2. once its dry its a lot harder to clean, sometime however you can "trick" the stain. Using your steam iron, steam the spot where the dog peed, don’t put the iron on the carpet it can melt/burn it, just let the steam soak into the stain for a couple minutes. Then clean it as though it were still wet

  3. Dog Urine Removal

    Speed is of the essence. Use paper towels or rags to soak up as much of the urine as you can. Then apply a commercial dog stain neutralizer. You can find them at any pet store. These products contain enzymes that break down the urine, neutralizing it without staining the carpet. They also work on furniture. If the urine has dried, you can still apply these products. They will neutralize residues, but they won’t do as thorough a job. In fact, after the stuff dries, you may never get the odor or the stain completely out. The following methods have been employed with mixed results:
    Rubbing alcohol applied full strength, allowed to soak, then rinsed clean.
    A diluted ammonia containing product, like Windex; never apply full strength ammonia to a stain.
    Diluted white vinegar or undiluted white vinegar – lots of it
    Liquid chlorophyll can kill some odors; you can purchase it at a pharmacy
    Woolite’s Pet Stain and Odor Remover
    Lots of baking soda worked into the spot to absorbs odors, then vacuumed off.
    CTI Proschoice OSR (Odor and Stain Remover), obtained through professional cleaner supply outlets.
    Soak up any excess solution and use a floor or hand vacuum on the spot afterwards.
    Can’t Get the Dog Urine Smell Out?

    If none of these methods or products work for you, don’t waste any more money on cleaners. You might as well toss or reupholster the furniture. As for carpeting (For more carpet cleaning information, read the guide to carpet cleaner), if you have extra, cut out the stained carpet, along with the padding. They will both be soaked through. In fact, the flooring below the pad will also be soaked. If it’s wood flooring or sub-flooring, apply a commercial sealer. If it’s concrete, ask your local building supply store clerk if he has something to seal concrete. Then put in the new padding and piece of carpet. You might also have to put a tack strip down before installing.
    Why Some Dog Urine Kills Grass

    Really? Dog urine killing grass? This is because Rex has got concentrated nitrogen in his urine. It’s a healthy sign for the dog, and ordinarily it would be good fertilizer for the lawn. But the concentration is too high, and the plants can’t take it (Don’t forget to learn how to fertilize your lawn). The best way to handle this is to set aside Rex’s own little corner comfort station. Train him to relieve himself there, and only there, and the problem will be solved. Small brown spots on your lawn will reseed themselves; larger areas may have to be manually reseeded or replaced with turf. You can also flood the area with water from a hose after he pees.

  4. Baking soda is a good one which you’ve already used. Mix baking soda and ammonia together and hot water. Put a few heavy towels or something absorbent under where your poodle urinates and just pour the solution onto the urine places and allow it to sit on those spots a good while to soak through it. Pull the heavy towels you had under it and put them into your washing machine. Grab more dry towels and put them under the spots again. Now pour white vinegar and hot water over the same spots and allow that to soak through again. Grab those towels and wash them too. It should have cleaned the area rug as much as possible this way. A lot of work but worth saving your area rug and getting the oder out. I bought a small green spot bot steam cleaner and use it on spots and the suction for pulling out solution works great for these jobs. You might have a lot of use for one these machines around your apartment. Best of Luck to you.

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