How can I clean my room without being overwhelmed?

Ok, so I brought most of my stuff out of my room and put it in the living room for now. While I had the chance, I vacuumed and wiped everything down. Then I rearranged the furniture and even bought a new desk to act as my miniature art studio.

But now, im just realizing how much crap I have accumulated over the years…. and just how many screw and tack holes are in my walls….

Also, Im a big pack rat, so im having trouble getting things back into my room now that theres less furniture to hold crap. So over half my room is cluttering my parents living room, and in really stressed because i have alot of summer homework to do that I’ve been putting off (im talking weeks of work).

Im way in over my head, and might even need to paint the walls 😛 which would include emptying my room AGAIN and im just going crazy! :'(

any help at all is greatly appreciated! tip or stories, really, anything!
Thanks so much you guys for all your help!


  1. Assuming you’re not going to repaint your room, I think you should plan at least two days (weekend is best) where you don’t have anything else to do, and you use those two days to finish rearranging.
    Tell your parents not to ask you anything while you’re cleaning up, it’s hard to continue when you’re interrupted.
    If you need help carrying heavy things, ask your parents before starting and make sure they’re not busy when you need them.
    Also don’t stress about your summer work because stressing generally doesn’t help you concentrate! For the "crap" you store, I recommend sitting nest to the pile of crap and sorting quickly through it: pile in one place the stuff you need/want to keep and in another place the stuff you’re gonna throw out. After you’ve done that, you’re half-way through.
    Then place all of the stuff you decided to keep in it’s rightful place. If you don’t have a lot of storage place, consider buying a small furniture, ideally with drawers. It’s not very expensive and will probably come in handy.
    Remember, try to put your stuff away so that it’s easy enough to find for you. You don’t want to start over!

    Well good luck for your room and your summer homework! 🙂

  2. Try to sort through your stuff. Anything you think you don’t absolutely need (and I say need, not want), give it to charity or sell it online. Let’s face it, you can’t keep all your stuff until you’re 60, you are going to have to get rid of it some time. Get some boxes. Make some charity boxes, and some keep boxes. Try to make room for the things you would like to keep with you in your room. Make it so there’s a place for everything, but make sure its not too specific. If you have some free space in your dresser, put organized things in it.

    I would say, wait to paint the walls. If you do this, you ARE way in over your head. Once you have finished your room layout and have a place for most everything, plus finished your homework, then think about painting your room.

    Just take a deep breath. Listen to some nice music while you are cleaning. I suggest it to be something inspiring, rejuvenating, or calm (:
    Hey, good luck.

  3. i find listening too your favorite music will help you not feel overwhelmed
    this always help me when cleaning

  4. Here is what I would recomend doing.
    I think that you should first find all of your "crap" and just put it in one big pile. Then double check it in case you want to keep something in that pile. Then just throw the junk away!

    Next I would put everything back in my room. You Don’t NEED to paint your room (sure it may look bad, but would you rather paint your room, or focus on school work?), and fixing those holes would take a LONG while. So I’d just move all of the stuff (after throwing away the junk of course) back into my room.

    I then would focus on arranging a area to do my school work at. You NEED to have an area and you need to be organized to be able to finish All of your school work. Maybe use your new are studio (desk) as you school work desk right now, or if you have another place use it for Only your school work right now! Your main focus need’s to be your school work!!!

    If you want to fix those holes, maybe use some caulk/cementto fill in the holes. While the material is still drying run something over the caulk/cement to even out the material over the hole (make the wall look more flat, not just like someone decided to put some cement in random places). After the holes have been filled in and have dried, I would then start painting. Painting is pretty straight foward, maybe get some people to help you if you need! OF COURSE take everthing out of your room before doing this!!! You dont want to get paint or the stuff you used to fill in the holes to get on your furniture!!!

    I hope this helps, Good Luck!

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