Cleaning out dust in a laptop?

I recently posted a question about my laptop overheating and the people who answered suggested that I clean out the dust i the fan, etc. So, I searched youtube for a video detailing how to do this and came across this video( )

I’m a little weary of using a vacuum for something like that, but at the same time I don’t have a dime to my name so I can’t buy compressed air. Is it ok to use a vacuum for this sort of work? It looks simple and I could do this on my own, but I want to make sure that I won’t screw anything up by using a vacuum.

Thanks. 🙂


  1. I just recently opened my laptop and cleaned it out. I used compressed air to blow on it. I bought a 3 pack of compressed air at fry’s for only 5 bucks.

    I think using a vacuum cleaner the way the guy in the video did is just fine. But compressed air if much better, especially if the motherboard is dusty.

  2. I have used a vacuum cleaner to clean a laptop heatsink and fan without any problems. I would say that a plastic hose and an earthing strap is recommended, as it would be for any work inside a computer.

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