Cleaning tips for my bedroom?

~♥Ashley♥~ need help to clarify doubt about: : Cleaning tips for my bedroom?
Hi.I need cleaning tips for how to clean my bedroom.I want it to be moe fun.So it would get done faster.What do I do?Crank Up the music or make a game out of it.I need help please.Thank You so much.

The best gets the best answer please help.

Try this:

Answer by Fitz
Music all the way! Just crank it up and dance while you clean!

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  1. Yes crank up themusic….it will get u pumpin and energized…make a game out of it.. i used to play a basketball type game, i would set a time and see how much stuff i could get put into place without time running out like garbage into a garbadge tube or toys, diry clothes, ect. Dance while your doing it like get low or w.e. and pick up what u can and put it into the respected spot. i also go to and play bingo on my breaks gets a cooldown mode while you clean so makes it not so bad good luck hunn

  2. Music helps me when I am cleaning any area in my house. Living room, den, kitchen. folding laundry, etc. I HATE cleaning in silence.

  3. Hi I see you want to clean your room well i love to clean so i can help to make it more fun is sing to your music and and just have fun then it will go faster Trust me

  4. with my daughters room we took in a large garbage bag and threw out all the food and soda containers. Then the room didn’t look so bad. Regardless of the house rule of no food in the bedrooms they always seem to multiply in my daughters room. then we got rid of all broken or un wanted items. soon there was room for all the things she did want. She has grown up and moved to another state and now I long or those messy room sessions with her.

  5. Music is good. Not anything too fast, or you tend to work too fast and wear yourself out. Just something with a good catchy beat.

    Make a game out of it if you can. use a timer. Set it for 10 or 15 minutes. Focus on one area of your room at a time (the bed, and under it) (The dresser) (the closet) (the floor) (dusting and vacuuming) Try to beat the timer for each area. You’ll be surprised how often you can get done before the timer goes off. Don’t forget to take a break. After timing session 3 times, time one for a break. Sit back, relax, admire your handiwork. LOL

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