Cleaning tips for someone allergic to dust mites?

So I went for allergy testing last year and found out i’m pretty severely allergic to dust mites. The doctor gave me a phamplet about living with the allergy that recommends the person with the allergy "avoids vacuuming/cleaning and living in a house with carpets". In a perfect world, this would be great advice. However, I live on my own in an apartment WITH carpet (it’s hard to find with without!) and have no choice but to clean and vacuum myself. Does anyone have any tips to make it slightly less miserable (other than using an antihistimine)? Or maybe tips from others with the allergy?


  1. They’re expensive but you could find a used one for a reasonable price—Rainbow vacuums filter the dust through water so they don’t send any dust back into the air. Or hire someone to clean and have them vacuum everything possible, and have it done in the morning so the dust has settled again by the time you get home.

  2. I would suggest wearing a mask while vacuuming and dusting, and maybe vacuuming more often. My boyfriend gets allergy attacks from my cats, their hair. So I started vacuuming and dusting twice per week instead of once and it seems to help.

  3. HEPA filters on the vacuum help some. So does a filter on forced air heating systems something like the 3M-ultra. Try vacuuming while wearing a N-95 rated particulates mask just before leaving for the day, and then damp-dusting when you get back home. (N-95 masks are usually cheapest at an industrial safety supply company — I like the valved ones 3-M makes, but the others are ok, too).

    The biggest issues are likely your bedding. I got in the habit of buying cheap polyester pillows, using them for a few months, and then donating them (a local domestic violence shelter was glad to have them).

  4. I also have a severe dust mite allergy. My allergist also recommended that I pull the carpet out of my house. Its less than 2 years old, not an option in my opinion! So what I do is I have a friend come and use a carpet cleaner on my carpet once a month and I have my husband vacuum 3x a week while I retreat somewhere else or pop a few benadryl.

    Buying a new mattress and replacing pillows at least every 6 months will help also. If buying a new mattress isn’t an option, have someone thoroughly vacuum the one you have and then cover it with a hypoallergenic cover. You could do this with your pillows as well.

    The same goes for couches and other soft furniture you come in contact with. Its probably not feasible to replace all of it, but having it cleaned and then keeping it thouroughly vacuumed is a good alternative. I think Febreze makes a dust and allergen formula you could spray on those surfaces. Don’t forget your curtains, window treatments and ceiling fans as well. Those little bastards are hiding everywhere!

    My comforter doesn’t get used unless its just freezing cold, instead I use blankets that I wash once a week. I also change the sheets on Sundays and Wednesdays. Forget about throw pillows.

    I don’t know if you have kids or not, but if you do, try to limit their stuffed animal collection. My 9year old only has one, and my 5 year old is limited to her 5 favorites that are washable.

    I also recommend getting your air ducts cleaned if possible, or filtering the air somehow.

    So while you cant 100% eliminate the dust mites in your home, you can reduce them greatly and improve the way you feel. I wish you the best! I know your misery!

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