How does your pet act when you use the vacuum cleaner?

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My cat gets all shaky, stares at the vacuum cleaner and runs away from anyone that tries to pet her.

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Answer by Jess
My cat just hides =) until im done

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  1. my big dog runs away my smaller dog doesnt move and i’m like “wtf? who drugged my dogs???”

  2. its wierd cuz my dog used to bark at it and chase it but now it just runs away.
    P.S. its 11” and 7lbs

  3. if i am vacuming my cat goes into a sheer fullblown ninja furry attack and gets me or the vaccum………………… lie, still a kitten.

  4. My dog runs up stairs the second I grab it, he won’t even wait till i plug it in lol…for a big dog he gets really scared

  5. my jack russel attacks the vacuum, until one day she got her tooth stuck in it. not a fun day….

  6. He tenses up and then observes it closely for any suspicious movements. Sometimes I chase him away with the hose if he doesn’t flee because he’s in the way.

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