How do I edge around this tree? We are required to keep fresh mulch…

“Politically Incorrect&quot need help to clarify doubt about: : How do I edge around this tree? We are required to keep fresh mulch at the base of the trees.?
Here’s a pic of the base of the tree.

I want it to look nice. I was hoping to create an edge between the grass and the mulch.

Any ideas on how I can create the edge?

Thanks for any help!

Try this:

Answer by fisherman
ther are some stone blocks that may look good but I think some river rock would look nice a combination of big ones and little ones I will be the last one to say poison but a squirt of round up would do the job as well

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. What I do is use Roundup. Just spritz a little on the grass that is growing into the mulch and you can keep a clean neat line. You might have to do this every 3 months, but a spray bottle of pre-mixed Round-up is not expensive and would last forever. The borders suggested above sound great. There is also flexible plastic border material available at the building supply. You have to weedeat or Roundup around these too. I like the simplicity of running the mower over the grass, without having to get into the mulched area, or dodge border materials.

  2. I would use pavers to create the perimeter of your mulch area, most home storeslike Home Depot offer a huge selection, even curved so you could easily create a cirle around the tree base. You challenge is that the base is so close to the curb.

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