Eluminating Gas Fumes From My Car :|?

So a friend needed to put gas into his car, so i drove him to the gas station and he filled up a gas can, and put it in my trunk. Long story short, he didnt strap it, and it tipped in my car. I got all the gas out (i think), but the car still smells badly like gas. I washed down the upholstry with soap water, i used turtle wax’s interior 1, and even shampooed and vacuumed the carpet, but the scent still stays. Not even half a bottle of febreeze worked. Does anyone know how to clear the scent?
Before anyone asks, its in home and garden, because i figured its not the car, its the upholstry. and it has to do with cleaning anyways


  1. I would remove the trunk carpeting, and clean it with a pressure washer. Leave it out in the air to dry. Also, leave the trunk open outside to air out. When the gasoline evaporates, the smell will be gone.

  2. wow, good question. You might be stuck having to get it professionally done. Just be sure they guarantee their work just in case they can’t get it out. Good luck.

  3. Coffee grounds neutralize almost any smell. I would take some and rub it into the carpeting where the gas was spilled, leave it a day or two, and then vacuum out. You may need to repeat a couple of times.

    baking soda in massive quantities. I pour a five-pound box of baking soda on it. I leave it on for about a month. You can vacuum it up and put on new if you want, but it doesn’t decrease the time it needs to stay there. Also, keep the windows open as much as possible while driving or parked.

    use kitty litter to clean up spilled gas

    clay or sand

    baby powder to soak the rest of it up and to get rid of the odor (it took it away completely

    baking soda

    putting clay kitty litter over the area of the gas spill. After a day, we vacuumed it and covered it with the litter again. I think we did this two or three times with great results. There was no more gas odor. Be careful not to allow any moisture near the cat litter or it could turn into "mud" on your carpet, and be sure to clean with a vacuum with very strong suction to get all the litter out.

    wash it with a solution of clear vinegar and water mixed about 1/2 to 1/2. When it dries, put baking soda on it. Leave it there overnight and then vacuum it off. This method works well Good Luck !

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