Get rid of NASTY smelly carpet!?

I had a puppy and.. before it was trained it make and accident here and there.

Months later. Pissy smell is in the carpet.

I tried everything. I used almost ever carpet cleaner and everything. The pissy smell is still there. I even got a carpet machine-nothing, powder and vacuum it up still nothing!

any pointers? tips? help me out please! i can’t stand the smell!!!


  1. Ok so what you do is Use a Carpet cleaner.

    I use ammonia mixed with hot water, using the same amount that the instructions say to use of the cleaning products. Keep the windows open until the carpet dries. I use the lemon scented kind to help with the smell a little bit, but the odor and smell does go away once the carpet is dry. It does a fabulous job on the carpet, much better than the recommended cleaner. Pre treat especially dirty and smelly areas with straight ammonia for even better results. As always, test in an inconspicuous spot first. And be aware that pets could be confused by the ammonia odor and you might want to put them outside while you do this. And you might want to wear a mask because the smell is strong but this WORKS!!!

    GOOD LUCK i hope this helps! 🙂

  2. Any preparation that contains Bicarb helps. But so often they have this overpowering scent that, for me, makes matters worse. I’m aware of this problem because we rent. In truth, the only way to get rid of this smell, if it’s really bad, is to get rid of the carpet. As somebody has already said, once the pee soaks through the carpet and into the underfelt no amount of cleaning will get down there. When I have the potential for a problem, I keep towels to hand, so if there is an accident, I get a towel down immediately to soak up the pee before it gets into the carpet. I think you can get a treatment that repels liquid so it sits on the top rather than soaking in?

    We rented a property which had previously been occupied by two elderly PEOPLE. Obviously there had been problems with them because, despite trying everything to get rid, it took forever to get on top of the aroma that came up when the weather was humid!!! Every bit as bad as puppy pee I have to say!

  3. okay. if you don’t want to just get rid of the carpet, perhaps you can try this:

    sprinkle baking soda all over your carpet and let it stay there for at least 40 minutes. after that, vacuum your carpet. hope that helps. 🙂

  4. I hate to sound like an advertising spokes person, but well the best cleaner i know of is a brand called "petastic". Idk if thats the old name or the new name, but it changed names once. While working at a pet store that was the one that had the best responses, although there were a few complaints that it didn’t work. I’m prety sure the bottle has a form of aguarantee, idk if they still do(it’s been a few years sincei last worked at the pet shop).

    Another one you could try, although i have no experiences/feedbacks about it is that one they advertised on Tv awhiles back. It was called "0 odor"?? i beleive something like that. It claimed to have taken out stains set in years earlier and the smell as well.

    If you’ve tried both these products already,t hen sorry i have no other suggestsions =/

    well gl on cleaning ur carpet =D.

  5. Your title says it all — Get Rid of the nasty, smelly carpet.

    The pee got through the carpet and is embedded in the carpet PAD underneath. So, all your efforts on the surface are not doing anything. I think you’re at the point to just get a new carpet. There are places to purchase carpet and carpet pads on the cheap. Hope all works out for you.

  6. seriously! my dogs did that too and even years later you could smell it in my bedroom!!!
    you just have to clean it up RIGHT when it happens or else.

    we had to get brand new carpets

    but we already had to get them
    it was just a plus because it got rid of the smell.

  7. i had the same problem last winter with a rescue puppy, i rented a shampooer and added white vinegar to the warm water, i ran it over the carpets several times, and the next day all the bad smell was gone as well as the vinegar smell, its never came back either, good luck !

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