What is a good handheld vacuum to get pet hairs off furniture?

I have tile throughout my apartment, and I have 2 cats (one long hair, one short hair)… what handheld vacuum is under (list price if you know it) and has a good enough suction to get the hairs?
I looked on walmart.com, but most reviews of – handheld vacuums said they werent strong enough when it came to the suction.

Or any other tips/tricks to get tons of hair off the couches?


  1. I use a lint brush – the fabric one not the sticky sheets though they would work too. I also found a brush made out of some type of rubber I think that was in the same area as the lint brushes that works almost as good.

  2. I wouldn’t waste the money on a handheld, they don’t do very well at picking up pet hair, as it tends to stick in the fabric of furniture. Instead, get yourself a sticky lint roller, either one of the rubber washable ones, or a peel-off tape one. I prefer the tape rollers, in my opinion they pick up the hair better than the reusable products.

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