Guys… Help a lady out? :)?

Linda need help to clarify doubt about: : Guys… Help a lady out? :)?
What are something’s you’d look for in a girl? Besides looks? Like what are some things that would make you remember her? Or things she does that make you smile? Keep it clean!

Try this:

Answer by if you read this you’re beautiful girl
her vagina. i kept it clean i didn’t say the p word

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. The type of character that she is. Her honesty, her integrity, good manners, love for life, the fun times that she shares with people. Her very simplicity can be funny, sense of humor. Generally some traits that set her apart from other ladies. One could keep going on and on. But enough for now.

  2. I love a woman who is mature, decisive, smart, cleaver, funny, and above all, confident in herself.

    A woman has to know what she wants, and not hesitate to tell me. Because guys HATE having to figure things out. Were not all that cleaver. Thats why women have to be. In order to make up for what we lack

    Hope this helps.
    Good luck

  3. i like girls and guys so i might be of some help….i can tell you are trying to get a certain guys attention in particular flirt just a bit and put yourself out there not like in a dirty way or anything just get his attention. make eye contact and when your eyes meet his hold it for a second then look away and smile and try to look good 🙂

  4. Definitely a sense of humor. Being open-minded is also a must. She does not need to be totally into sports, but she should have some common knowledge of major events (same with all current events and politics.)

  5. Eyes, teeth, smile, sex appeal. Nurturing caring and a sense of humor. Not afraid of who she is. Remembrance can come from many things but there must be chemistry to begin with.

  6. its her confidence —- her style her bearing her independence and strength —- basically her personality

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