Help! I need tips on cleaning my room!?

♥KRYSTAl need help to clarify doubt about: : Help! I need tips on cleaning my room!?
Ok well heres the thing. I’m an 11 year old girl and my room is a total mess! It looks like a hurricane hit it! My parents have been telling me to clean my room for years now but I just can’t get it clean. My parents have had it with me & my room. My room is being painted right now because its getting re-done so I have all of my stuff on my bed and on the floor. I have to clean out my whole room fast! For some reason when I start cleaning it always ends up being even messier. Also I get very over whelmed because I don’t know where to start! There is so much to clean! Can someone please help me? Thanks so much!
(cleaning disaster)

Try this:

Answer by mrsdeli
Start with one pile at a time. First get rid of what you don’t want, need, or wear. Next organize into categories – things in the dresser, closet, etc. Next sub categorize – dresser things – sort into shirts, shorts, pants, etc. and so on until you’ve been through all the piles. When your finished with that start putting it away. You’ll be done in no time. Organizing is the most important step….sounds like a pain but it help you to thing sorted.

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  1. I’m totally sure that this tips ill give you will help you to clean you’re messy room just follow this steps good luck as you perform them

    Cleaning Your Room! Fast and Easy
    Cleaning a room (your room) really isn’t as hard as you may think or believe.
    Just follow these easy steps to completely clean your room.

    Step one: The bed
    Step two: The Laundry
    Step three: The nightstand
    Step four: Random stuff
    Step five: Dressers and closets
    Step six: Bookshelves
    Step seven: computer desks
    Step eight: The floor

    Step One: The Bed
    Making the bed makes a room look good fairly quickly.

    1-Remove stuff from bed, and wash if necessary.
    2-Replace and tuck in sheets.
    3-Place warming blanket (down or otherwise (unless its summer out)).
    4-Place the decorative blanket.

    Step Two: Laundry
    1-Retrieve laundry from around the room
    2-Sort in light, dark, colored, and towels/rag piles
    3-Send a load down to laundry, and place the rest of the piles on the bed

    Step Three: The nightstand
    1-Remove items from nightstand, and sort
    2-Clean glass/top of stand, and apply a wood-oil if necessary
    3-Place sorted items in respectable places, and throw away garbage

    Step Four: Random junk
    Move random junk to their respective places, and vacuum where they used to be if your going to place them in their original places.

    Step Five: Dressers and Tabletops
    1-Remove and sort items from dresser/table tops
    2-Wipe down dresser/table
    3-Replace sorted items, and remove garbage

    Step Six: The Bookshelf
    Remove stuff from bookshelf, discard garbage, and sort items into different piles, the ones shown here are:

    Step Seven: The Computer Desk
    1-Stash headphones, cameras, and other portable electronics
    2-Remove garbage and dishes
    3-Clean surface of desk

    Step Eight: The Floor
    1-Remove garbage, and sweep floor with a magnet for BBs, and look for nonmagnetic objects
    2-Vacuum the floor, starting with rugs, which you should roll up and store on the bed while vacuuming the floor
    3-Vacuum the floor, and replace the rugs
    4-Use the extension tool for your vacuum to get around edges

    Step Nine: Relax!
    1-Put all the tools you’ve used to clean your room in their respective places, and go downstairs and get a Coke!
    2-Look at your beautifully clean room!
    4-school stuff
    5-hardback books
    6-paperback books
    7-product boxes
    8-stray CDs
    9-Jewel cases

  2. Sounds like you need to: 1)Sort your belongings and choose what you really want to keep, and then give away or throw out the rest. Most kids and teens have too much stuff. (I have 6 kids, so I know!) When there’s just too much stuff, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Do this for clothing, toys, books, and all your other belongings. Less is better, really, but it’s the hardest step.
    2) Next, for the stuff you keep, figure out a “home” for them. Decide where each item is to be stored. It should be the most useful place. Get your Mom to help you with these decisions. for example: Pants could be laid in drawers or hung up in your closet, you decide which method you are most likely to use to keep them put away. Decide where you will put your things to make it easy to keep them put away when you aren’t using them. 3) An organized room is more fun and less trouble to keep clean so commit now to putting things away as you use them. (Don’t be lazy and lay clothing down on the floor or drape it on your bed!) 4) Put “like things together.” All jewelry should be together in a jewelry box or container in your drawer. Shoes should be together. Group blouses together, dresses together, etc. in your closet. Books together on a shelf. This makes things easier to find. Use shoe boxes or other dividers for your drawers to make sections. Socks in one section, underwear in another, etc. You may want to install decorative or other shelves on the wall to hold picture frames, few stuffed animals, books, etc.
    5) Commit to dust and vacuum your room once a week. That way, you will have to pick up the floor at least once a week so it doesn’t get out of control.
    6) Once your room is less cluttered, you will have less stuff to manage. Then it will take less time to clean, so you will have more time for other things you want to do! Remember these are the reasons you are thinning out your stuff, and why you are organizing it. That will motivate you to keep doing it. There is nothing nicer than a clean, uncluttered room where you can play, read, sleep, do homework, and really relax.

  3. wow, well lets see.
    i’ll give you two options:
    1. for right now, since you have to clean it up fast, get some big garbage bags and throw everything in it. then go through the bags, throw out all the garbage. go through your stuff, throw stuff away if you dont need it. then organize, make piles of certain stuff. one pile of magazines, books, etc. then you can get little totes or baskets and put ur stuff in them. and dont worry if it looks like its getting messier! ur just finally going through stuff and getting organized.

    2. instead of that, you can always just go through it right then and there. do the same thing, with the piles/baskets!’

    and after everything is picked up, vacuum and dust everything! wash windows, make your bed, etc.
    i know it seems like a lot but in the end, it’ll all be worth it and your parents and you will be very proud of yourself!!!

    GOOD LUCK, hope i helped! :]]

  4. get some boxes and just sort things into the boxes according to some method that helps you find them. Then gradually take items out of the boxes and put them away in your dresser or shelves or whatever storage you have. Eventually you are left with stuff in the boxes that you don’t use and don’t want anymore. Toss that stuff out or send it to goodwill or a garage sale or something.

    Good luck!


    The link above is from a website that my family uses all the time. I have a 9yr old daughter & was constatly on her about cleaning her room. But I never showed her how so she was clueless and overwhelmed when I sent her in to “clean” her room. The #1 best advice I have found on this website is to set up routines. My daughter has a routine each nite that takes her about 10 minutes. It includes picking up things that she played with laying out clothes for the next day, and she has one thing or zone to clean each day. For example today is monday and she will do her regular routine plus her laundry and tommorow she will dust and declutter her nightstand. If you keep up with these routine you will never need to feel overwhelmed by your room. As for getting it clean right now you need to only spend 15 minutes at a time. If you need to get it clean today do 15 minutes then take a break and continue for 15 minutes on & off (set a timer or alarm, you will lose track of time) and make sure the TV is off! It always distracts me. Check out the website there is a lot of info there for parents & kids. Good luck.

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