Why is my House so dusty?

I live in an apartment, and its on the bottom floor.

The area I live in a suburban area, and houses, apartments, and trees are in abundance.

The heating system is a baseboard heater, and the house is fairly closed up.

We Vacuum two to three times a week, and have alot of dust/floating particulates around.

We take showers everyday, and do the laundry of our clothes once a week, the sheets every 2 week and the blankets on top every 3 weeks.

I am tired of seeing a thick layer of dust so soon. I moved our TV into the living room, from a 2nd bedroom, and in a matter of 5 days, theirs an accumulation of dust so thick i can clearly see a pile on the tip of my finger.

Would an Air Purifier be help in this situation?
We take off our shoes at the door, and have it in the hallway entrance. We wipe our feet outside and have a walkway vinyl floor with a runner carpet we bought and have at the entrance.
We are a couple of 2. thats it. no kids, no one else coming over or staying. no pets or any animals come into our house.


  1. According to me the main reason is your apartment being at the bottom floor. As it is very much near to the ground, any passing vehicle or blow of wind enters your house. the best you can do is use good ventilation system and try to keep your windows and doors closed most of the time.

  2. If you have a forced air furnace, replace the filter every 3 months with a good paper pleated filter. Air ducts should be professionally cleaned every 5 years or so. If you operate a non HEPA style vacuum cleaner, you are re distributing dirty air back into the room. This fine particulate is escaping from the vacuum cleaner through the exhaust. If you have a dog in the home, every time it shakes, it will disperse a million particles of dust, dander, and hair every time and every day. Wash your bedding weekly to eliminate dead skin cells and dust mites from the bedroom. Dust mites consume dead human dead skin cells, and live in our bedding, carpet, stuffed animals, fabric covered furniture. A good Honeywell air filtration unit will run over $500.00. I have one now for over 20 years, works great. And we do all of the above.

  3. Do you wear your shoes in the apartment?

    I assume there is NO ventilation system, fans or carpet?

    It does not take much accumulation of dirt falling from the shoes to grind into dust.

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