Housekeeping Tips : How to Clean Berber Carpet

Berber carpet is best cleaned by avoiding the use of a brush on a vacuum in favor of simple suction. Try using baking soda, vinegar and water to soak up carpet stains before using a vacuum with help from a professional house cleaner in this free video on housekeeping tips. Expert: Rachel Yatuzis Contact: Bio: Rachel Yatuzis is a professional house cleaner in Nashville, Tenn., specializing in using everyday household items for cleaning purposes. Filmmaker: Tim Brown


  1. Bad advice is more expensive then good advice and the advice you are offering here will cause consumers to destroy the pile of their carpet. What you offered is a way to perform spot cleaning for any type of carpet & baking soda can be left on the carpet for as long as you want without causing any adverse effects since the baking soda will absorb all the moisture from the spotted area. No room on this bow to post all the proper procedures on how to perform the task of carpet cleaning.

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