How do you clean a Dyson vacuum cleaner?

We have a Dyson dc07 Animal. My husband was trying to be more wonderful than he usually is, and he cleaned up a mess left by our cat. In doing this he used baking soda to absorb the wetness and then vacuumed it up. Well now everytime we use the vacuum it smells like our cat peed in it. I need to clean it, including the hose. Has anyone done this? How?

I am currently looking at the Dyson website for help too.


  1. I’m going to guess one of you best bets would be to obviously take out all removable filters and clean them throughly foloowing the directions with them. next I would take an air compressor to it take it outside and blow the heck out of it. all the cyclones and hose and then u could take the hose off and soak it in a bucket of white vinegar and dump baking soda down it. rinse well and then use the air compressor again to dry it out. lay everypiece out for about 12-20 hours to dry. hopefully that help but big E for effort to your man for trying. I have a DC15 and loooove it!!!!

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