How to get the smell of pet urine out of carpet?

My bf and i recently got a puppy and just like any puppy , during house training we have had a few accidents in the house. After every accident we clean with carpet cleaner till the yellow spot is no longer present and that works for the most part. The only room in the house that we are having trouble with the smell in is our bedroom, we have scrubbed the floor and shampooed, even put the vacuum pet oder eliminator powder on the floor but the darn smell wont go away. The carpet was new before we got the pet, plus we rent so replacing the carpet isn’t a option so can any body help?? and simple home remedy’s that well help us out??



  1. "Nature’s Miracle" is a natural odor remover for urine in carpet. It has enzymes that eat the odor causing bacteria. Most pet shops carry this. All PetSmart/Petco stores carry it or you can order it online. Instructions are on the bottle.

  2. i just got two puppies and ever web site said either go to a pet store and you can buy stuff for your carpet for the urine smell, and for hard wood floors use vinegar and water because the dogs can smell it even if you cant and will continue to go in the house because they keep smelling it and think its ok

  3. Sprinkle baking soda on the spot and let it sit for awhile then vacuum it up.

    Baking Soda will take all of the scent out. It does the same thing in fridges with smelly food.

    That is why the manufacturers put baking soda in cat litter. It works!

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