I need help cleaning my room!?

So my room is dusty, with food packaging and textbooks strewn all over the floor along with other stuff. I am also a packrat. But the problem is I’m starting to get allergies and stuff so I’m thinking I would benefit greatly from cleaning my room.

The problem is, where do I start and begin? Vacuum? Pick trash? Does anyone have a list of steps I should go through for cleaning this place up? Any tips to prevent it from getting messy again?


  1. My mom always says that a room feels so much better after you make the bed since it’s such a large part of the room. Sooo, here goes:

    *Make Bed
    *Go through the whole room and gather all trash in a trashbag
    *Collect dirty dishes and take to kitchen sink
    *Pick up dirty clothes and put them in a pile in the hallway to be washed later
    *Throw away/give away anything you haven’t used in the past two months
    *Pick up all books and put them in a pile in the hallway (you can put them on a bookshelf later)
    *Wash bedding

    To keep the room clean in the future, try to put things away immediately after you are done using them. For example, you take your dirty clothes off and put them in the hamper, not on the floor. Or you read a book, then put it back on the shelf right away instead of stacking books on surfaces. Eat a snack, clean it up. Brush your hair, put away the brush, hairspray, hairdryer, etc right away. Believe me, I’m the queen of messy rooms but this has helped me a lot.

  2. First of all pick up everything. Throw away things you won’t need anymore and put the other things away. Throw dirty clothes in a basket in your room or laundry room. Then dust the room and then vacuum your room from top to bottom. Wash curtains or drapes, or use vacuum on them for the time being. Vacuum even stuff animals in your room also. This will take time, but I can tell you getting all of the dust out of your room and keeping it always clean will help with your allergies and you will feel better also. Good Luck! Also, turn on some music so it won’t be so boring. This will keep you interested in what your doing.

  3. Throw it all out.
    Haven’t you ever seen that show Hoarders

    This is not that hard

  4. You know, I have the same problem with my room. What I do is find the spot that I think is the very messiest and clean it first. Sometimes, I will clean two spots at a time. Like, I pick one piece of the spot up and then I pick one spot of the other spot. Sorry, really confusing. Hope it helps!

  5. Start with clothes…get all of the dirty ones into the laundry first.
    Make a pile of the ones that you dont wear and dont fit anymore and put them into a bag labeled donate.
    Put your clothes away that do fit and you do wear but put the ones that you wear most frequently up front (so now that its spring sweaters in back!)

    Take your trash out thats already been compiled!
    Have a seperate bag ready for new trash.
    Save bank stubs and pay reciepts for 1 year shred them if theyre older.
    Save bills for 3 years.
    Anything older than 3 years can typically go.

    Open up a window when youre doing this because when youre moving things around things might get dusty.
    Take any dirty dishes out.
    Under the bed storage is great and functional so things that tend to clutter like shoes and sweat shirts can be put away for the approperiete season!

    I have a TON of textbooks and Notebooks also. What I found works best is laying them down flat on a bookshelf…it doesnt break the binding that way. Sell any old ones that you know you wont look at again otherwise they just gather dust.

    I love closet organizers…theyre great for storing knick nacks and other things that you wouldnt normally know where to put and theyre also a great space saver.

    Once you get your floor cleared vacuum it really quickly once. But move furniture around a little bit and try to get in cracks and crevices that you wouldnt normally reach. Revacuum it at the end of all of the cleaning!

    Try creating an area that you can promise yourself that you dont mind getting cluttered if you generally do create a mess. But limit it to that one area. But in return promise yourself that you wont get your desk dirty and that you’ll keep that instead clean.

  6. First of all remember that humans are naturally messy and the room well never be perfectly clean.
    After he getting ventilation into the room. (open a window or something).
    I’d start with picking up trash and throwing that away.
    Stack the books together and put them to the side.
    Any clothing or anything should be separated into two piles of clean and dirty.
    Try to organize things into piles and move things to the side so you can see the floor.
    try to keep the floor clean, move things to the side. then vacuum.
    and remember ventilation is important.

  7. Focus on one area at a time in your room. Don’t try cleaning it all at once. Pick up the trash as you go along and put things in their proper places. Once you hit each area in your room, vacuum.

    When you get ready in the morning, after you put on an object of clothing pick up three or more things. I do this every morning! It helps keep my room nice and tidy.

  8. Start with the things that don’t go in your room .
    Take out laundry or any kitchen stuff.
    Throw trash
    Pick up your text books.
    Organize the dresser etc.
    After you are done with keeping things in place,dust,wipe and then in the last vacuum.

    For my daughter I have placed a box on her dresser top where she can place anything as she enter the room and sort it out in the week end.

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