i'm on a heavy cleaning spree and need ideas!?

I’ve done the usual cleaning kitchens and bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting, glass cleaning, etc. I’ve even started cleaning out drawers and cabinets. But can someone tell me a lot of stuff that needs to be cleaned that I wouldn’t think of (I’m young lol, and not wise in all this)? Maybe a list of heavy duty stuff, or stuff you don’t do on a regular basis? Actually any cleaning advice and tips would be great!


  1. Wipe the walls down, especially around heating and cooling vents.

    Do you have curtains and blinds, they collect dust like crazy! It’s hard to tell with the light shining in the windows.

    Clean ceiling lights and fans.

  2. Baseboards always need dusted. Clean TV and computer screens. The refrigerator, I take pictures out of their frames and clean the glass. You’ll be amazed at how dirty it is.

  3. Buy a high duster and make sure you go around the top of the ceiling in each room just walk around the room and make sure you get all around the ceiling edges,you can even dust the walls with it.You would be surprised the cobwebs and dust on the walls you will run in to.And dont forget the ceilng fans if you have any while your doing that..I always vacuume the furnitue and under the cushions also.You can even use the high duster and run it behind furniture that is not easy to move and the furnitue you could move should be vacuumed under and put back.Windows ,baseboards,..I clean for a living so I can go on and on lol..Oh dont forget inside the oven and refridge..

  4. There are alot of things that people don’t really think of cleaning. Like all the things in the house that you and your family touch on a daily basis your phone, TV remote, door knobs, and your couches everyone sits on them you can buy diffrent kinds of antibacterial spays that will take care of alot of this stuff and is not that big of a hassle.
    Have Fun

  5. Here’s one that makes a difference but you usually wouldn’t think of it. Take your vacuum cleaner attachment hose and clean around the baseboards. I don’t know why, but it really helps for things to look and feel cleaner. It sounds like your doing a really good job already. Need a cleaning job?? LOL.

  6. Hey i know how you feel… So I have actually figured this one out. ( I think!!!)
    Start by unscrewing and removing all your heat and air conditioning register’s ( including bathroom fan covers). Take them to the sink and soak in hot water and soap. Use a scrub brush to remove all the cobwebs and other dirt on them. Since there kinda hard to dry just let them air dry and then reinstall.. Next Clean all your windows, screens and window frame, inside and out. this could get messy but trust me it pays off!!.
    After all that purchase one of those funny looking dust collectors that are on a long pole and dust all your ceilings and walls.
    I also like to open all doors and windows while doing this so any breeze or wind can help in carrying out the dust and junk.
    If you have a basement, clean this out as normal then run a fan or de-humidifier in there for a day or so with windows slightly open to air it out." Basement stale air" seems to travel throughout the house so this will really help.
    In your attic space make sure that all attic venting is free of dirt and debris..This will allow your home to breathe thus making you house more efficient.
    .After this go about your regular cleaning routine and I think you will notice the difference. Hope this helps, Jason

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