We just got our carpet removed and got wood flooring. What are some…

Anyone out there that has wood flooring, do you have any tips? Like what kind of things we don’t need anymore (carpet vacuum, rugs, etc.), what kind of things we do need (slippers, polish, etc.), and what kind of things we should know about wood flooring


  1. With my wood floors I use throw rugs, one big one in the middle. My floors dent and scratch. Little rocks will chew through your finish quicker that the seasons go by. I do not think you should use swifter on varnish, try Murphy’s Oil Soap or some other product that is made for wood. We use an attachment on our vacuum that is made for wood floors (purchased after the floors that came with the house). We also have a rug to leave our shoes on the front porch, we give guests an option.

  2. You may have to get protectors for the funiture legs and footing so you don’t goug or scar the floor when you sit in them or move them, a good area rug may be nice.

  3. Totally keep the rugs… They help a ton. keep a rug under a table where you might eat, or in your kitchen. Use a Polish for sure and a swiffer wet jet. Make sure you have the wood cleaner in it. Totally keep the vaccums, they help a lot with sweeping, you may need a hand held sweeper to get the corners. make sure if there is a hole in the wood to fix it asap. i didn’t do it and it got bigger! And it made lots of cracks in the floor…

  4. A swiffer sweeper is a must have and it’s not good to walk on them with spiky hills in your shoes, they leave dents on some wood floors.

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