Looking for a daily housecleaning (house cleaning) routine.?

Would any of you organizeed types lay out a simple non-technical daily cleaning routine for me to follow?

As in, Monday – clean bathrooms.
Tuesday – dust and vacuum, etc.

I have 4 kids ages 2, 3, 11 & 12.
A laundromat that I do the daily cleaning and checking after.
A 4 bedroom 3 bath house
80 year old inlaws
Rental properties
and the most time consuming is running the 11 & 12 yr olds around plus dealing with the 12 yr olds err… pre-teen state. ;o)
And then my husband has a business.

I feel overwhelmed. I NEED SOME MORE ORGANIZATION AND ROUTINE. I just don’t know how to make a plan I will follow. Thanks in advance.
It’s not that bad. (My husband and inlaws help.)

I just want someone to lay out a daily simple routine. I know I could but I’m better at doing what other people ask me to do.


  1. You are taking on toooooo much and definitely need help. You can not take on all this responsibility without sacrificing your own health and well being.

    You need at least one, and preferably all, a nanny, inlaws pay for household chores. Better yet, you just need someone to work with you on all these projects.

    Honey, you are really taking on too much. Hope you can somehow work it out that your children can be your #1 priority. You husband needs to chip in more if you are doing all this yourself. you both need multiple jobs shared equally.

    All this advice on trying to help you with the impossible is depressing and I don’t think very helpful.

    There surely must be enough money from the inlaws, rental properties etc to take some of this load from your shoulders. It’s just not worth it in the long run. You are not a machine!

  2. You have a definite problem. I should think that when the children are either down for naps or outside playing you could get things done. You will have to be the one to decide which day that you want to do which part of the house work. While doing laundry you might vacuum and dust or do the bathrooms and floors. No one can tell you what day to do what part of the housework because no one knows your family dynamics. You are the one who has to set down the rules for the kids to allow you to do your housework. As to your husbands home business it depends on what it is on how you can work around him.

  3. Cleaning one room each day of the week has worked for me. I have no kids. Your 11 & 12 year olds are old enough to help with chores. Teach them to do dishes and clean the bathroom and vacuum and scrub floors and maybe you can give them an allowance for doing stuff for you.

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