I am looking for a vacuum that does very well on pet hair and for…

Erica R need help to clarify doubt about: : I am looking for a vacuum that does very well on pet hair and for multiple surfaces. What would you suggest?
I need another vacuum. The one I have now does horrible on pet hair. I have 2 dogs and 3 cats so there’s obviously lots of hair. I need a vacuum that does well on rugs, carpet, and also tile. I do not want to spend an outrageous amount of money (Dyson, $ 500…no thanks). I also would like one that really gets deep down dirt and hair. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and even better if you actually own the product yourself. Thanks!

Try this:

Answer by Iffy
Sears Kenmore Canister Vacuums. Work great and last. Mine is 20 yrs old

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  1. Providing services for all those animals no doubt has left you broke as you are spending $ 5400.00 per year on them. As per average costs in the U.S. What ever vacuum cleaner you purchase should have the ability to trap and hold 99.97 per cent of all the debris you pick up, including microscopic dust mites, and pet dander. Many in expensive vacuums will re distribute the micro size particles right back into the air you are breathing. Hopefully there are no small children, with their developing lungs, residing in this household. You need a HEPA filtration system on your new vacuum.

  2. Sorry, but the only way to get a really good vacuum is to spend some money on it. Buy a cheap one and it may work okay for a short time but you’ll probably buy another one pretty shortly. Example: I bought a used Filter Queen in 1988 for $ 500. I’ve used it a lot, and I’ve had cats and shedding dogs the whole time. It had one $ 75 service to clean it up after vacuuming a bunch of drywall dust in 1996. Last week, the motor blew. Cost $ 150 to fix. It’s probably good now for another 20 years or so. It has never needed the belt on the power head replaced. While I was in the shop with it, I saw one very much like mine for $ 400. Compare that to buying a $ 150 vacuum now and buying another one in a year, and the year after that, etc etc. Buying quality pays off in the long run.

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