Moms, how do you keep your house tip top clean?

Luv4Nevaeh need help to clarify doubt about: : Moms, how do you keep your house tip top clean?
I would love to hear any tips you super-moms can offer on keeping the house looking clean. It seems like my problem areas are the never ending dishes & laundry! Actually my problem is the whole house 3 bed 2 bath house… The work never never ends! How do you all stay on top of it?
I clean every single day like all day long and its still never done!

Try this:

Answer by wendy smith
i do a little bit everyday so it doesn’t pill up on me. I hate spending my entire weekend cleaning.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. well, i am not mom but i learned from my Dad how he manage his house and work place super clean. it is no different than having a system.

    clean by design & allocation
    the best way to learn it is go to Marriott hotel and open the middle drawer where there is a bible, and read the book next to it. And ask Marriott to have a copy, it is the great book i’ve read about having the recipe for everything.

    Marriott had the same problem you did, so what they notice was devil is in the details you missed.
    so get your details clear and precise in a card, and make a check list like all the plan takes off.

    and most of the time it is hard to organize your mind before the house, so look at how Buzan use to organize his mind. His system show how you can get stuck without you knowing it.
    your mind has a certain way to keep it organize, and when you follow the simplicity. It will work for you

    Enjoy I hope this helps

  2. I feel the same as you: it is so hard to stay on top of it. I have one teenage stepson, and one husband, and am staying at home for the first time EVER this year, and it’s so darn hard!

  3. I’ve found it easier to just move into a clean place every so often, especially once the dust bunnies carry the broom outside and set it on fire as a warning.

  4. Unfortunately, that’s the curse of being a woman. Men think it’s real easy to stay at home and cook and clean, right? Cabin Fever is just a myth! (– yeah right, lol) Personally, I try to stay on top of it by cleaning things the moment they are dirty. That way when it comes time to clean you don’t have to do all the obvious things (like dishes, laundry, windex, etc) because you took care of it when you noticed it was dirty. That way you have more time to vacuum, clean the bathroom, etc. Hope this helps!

  5. Here is a good schedule to go by when cleaning.

    1. Morning dishes right after breakfast. Have everyone put away their own dishes at the sink. If they don’t go to school or work then have them take turns helping do the dishes and wiping the table.
    My grandchildren do that everyday and my granddaughter helps make breakfast. She is ten. My grandson is five. Start early. It takes me literally 15 minutes to wash dishes, wipe the counters and sweep the floor.
    2. Children should make up their own beds. They should also clean their own rooms. A weekly inspection can tell you whether they’re doing their job or not.
    3. Straighten up the kitchen and sweep the floor every day. Set aside once or twice a week to mop the floor. Clean out the fridge of left overs that are bad once a week and wipe up any crumbs. Clean fridge well once a month. It won’t take you long since you’ve been keeping it up. Complete kitchen clean up shouldn’t be more than an hour.
    4. Pick up all throughout the house to make things look neat. Tell the children to pick up after themselves before dinner time and this will make your pick up time easier and faster. Set aside once a week to dust and vacuum but, not on the same day you mop the floors.
    5. Make master bedroom bed and pick up every day. Just like the rest of the house make sure you dust and vacuum once a week. 10 minutes.
    6. Do a load or two of laundry every day and depending on how many are in your family. Have family members help fold and put away.
    7. Straighten up the bathrooms and wipe the counters every day. Hubby and kids need to be told to wipe the counters with a rag or paper towel. Not with a wash towel that everyone uses. I keep paper towels on the counter. Clean the sink and counter area well once a week.
    8. Keep toilets clean and do them once or twice a week. Use paper towels to clean them so that you can throw them away. I never use rags on toilets that I use for every day things.
    9. Clean the shower and tub area once a week. Do the floors in bathroom once a week. Complete bathroom clean up won’t take more than 1/2 hour if everyone keeps things up.
    10. Take out trash once a day and specify one person to do that besides yourself. Just because hubby works doesn’t mean he can’t throw out the trash or put his plate away.
    11. When kids get home they’ll want a snack and so make sure they have one and clean up after themselves. Homework should be done at that time.
    12. Have your children help you with dinner if possible but, they can at the least set the table and then help with dishes after wards.
    13. My grandchildren get their clothes ready the day before school. They shower the night before and are in bed around 8:30 pm. Time to relax and fall asleep until the next time.

    I believe that if you do this then you won’t be spending time cleaning all day long. Two hours max and that includes at least one or two loads of laundry. I’ve cleaned houses for a living for over 20 years and to do a complete cleaning of a house that is at least 2,000 square feet it takes me 4-41/2 hours. If you want to do a good cleaning then do it this way but, don’t get carried away with projects at that time. Concentrate on that one job. Do the fans every other week, the baseboards once a month, the blinds every other week. But, always do the small light housekeeping as I listed every day. You will have the most beautiful and the cleanest house in the neighborhood. But, please don’t come over to my house………it’s a mess!!! LOL.

  6. When you have a family, your house will never be tip-top clean.

    All family members have to pitch in and help. Even the toddlers can pick up a few toys and place them in their toy box or on the appropriate shelf in their room, or the play area.

    I taught my children how to pitch in and help at all stages of their lives. Get your husband/significant other to help also.

    I also sat down with my son and daughter and worked out a daily and weekly chore chart with them.

    They had to make their beds every morning before school and make sure all dirty clothing was in the hamper.

    When they were about eight years old, their father and I taught them how to run the washer and dryer, supervised of course and they could take care of any emergency clothing needs for themselves instead of panicking about how they needed a certain outfit for school the next morning; and we were already all helping to make and bake the four dozen cupcakes for the ” oops I forgot to tell you bake sale in the a.m.”

    They were taught to iron clothing a couple of years later. They were also taught to set the table, sweep, run the vacuum, remove the dirty dishes from the table and help to wash and or dry the dishes.

    They did not receive a set allowance either, this was part of being a part of the family. They would get special treats or taken for special days of their choice if either of them took care of any given chores without being reminded. They both quickly learned that pitching in for the household helped them, as well as everyone else.

    I always remember my Mom saying that Mom did not mean maid, and you do not have to do it all, all by yourself. Part of being the member of a family means that everyone is a part of the total workings of the household.

  7. Got Kids? Delegate duties and teach responsibility.
    That is our job to really help shape successful and happy kids that grow into happy adults…
    I know a lot of issues are created for ourselves by not starting this very early with kids.
    Make it a happy cleaning task… happy attitude and do it together if they are really young..
    or they don’t get it.

    I do laundry on Thursdays and Tuesdays.. so none to do on weekends and I can relax.
    My child does her laundry.. of course hasn’t got the complete knack of getting it done in one day.Divide duties/tasks on different days…

    It is always going to be there… and praise family members when you see them tidy something..instead of picking on what isn’t done. Try positive reinforcement.

    It is always there and I can tell you I’ve wandered how it can be done also in less time and less days…
    I truly think family members are not getting handed their fair share of tasks as in our grandparents day….so try to reverse it.. It isn’t fair and spending money on a maid service in this economy is not
    the right answer someone should give you.

    Good luck, give yourself credit..
    go green and don’t use Febreez…it is a chemical..or the air.. it caused me azthma.

  8. Strange how YOU are the only one doing the cleaning….

    Husband/boyfriend can’t help?

    I have teenagers in the house and I will be damned if they are going to sit around and do nothing.
    Everyone in the house should do their share of cleaning and not have mom do all the work.

    Give everyone a chore to do!

  9. That has Never been a priory to me. Caring for all my kids has been though—fostered a hundred.
    A foster parent With a home like you’re wanting is one I would Red-flag—not good.

  10. Set aside no more than 2 hours a day for cleaning. Do your laundry while performing other tasks. After 2 hours call it quits and enjoy your family and time for yourself. Don’t strive for perfection. As long as you have children your house will never be completely clean….it’s like shoveling the sidewalk during a blizzard.

    Other tips..don’t buy so much stuff and find a place for everything.

  11. No, I don’t. I feel the same as you: it is so hard to stay on top of it. I have one teenage stepson, and one husband, and am staying at home for the first time EVER this year, and it’s so darn hard!

    I am starring your question to see if you get anyone who does manage to do it. I’d like to know how … !

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