My neighbors smell like old Indian takeout.?

I live in an apartment. Our ex neighbors were great, a quiet loving couple from Haiti, their house flooded and so they broke their lease and moved out. A new couple moved in a few weeks ago and since then my house smells like old Indian takeout. Its horrible! The neighbors next to them are also Indian but their house always smells like brown sugar and curry, however these neighbors smell like rotting flesh, curry, vomit. Does anyone have any tips and tricks I can use to cover up, or even better eliminate the smells? I have to endure this until December 2011…

What I’ve tried.
I use Scentsy wax and a warmer everyday, all day. Very expensive.
Baking Soda before vacumming mixed with essential oils.
Essential oils and warmer
Cleaning daily
Cinnamon sticks in air vents
Mopping the floors daily
Vacuuming Daily


  1. I feel with you because I have neighbours like yours, too. Some who cook Indian curry a lot and others who smoke really close to our windows. I use some sprays but I have to re-spray every hour. There is also more expensive options, such as Glade Plug Ins and similar things, I haven’t tried yet.

  2. Ask the landlord to come over and see if they can figure out what the odor is. Don’t tell them you suspect your neighbor just act dumb. Tell him/her it is over whelming and you think something is stuck in the drain or behind the receptacle but there is an awful over powering odor in your apartment. See if you can get the management to agree the odor is foul then maybe they will take steps to help you with it

  3. Buy a bucket of baby cologne and wait till they come home. when you hear the door opening run and chug it in their apartment pretending that you lost your balance and

  4. Maybe open a window or two?? Or just tell em to stop making currys lol jkjk maybe just ask them to make sure their house doesn’t smell 🙂 or if they are renting call their landlord :£)

  5. The people might have fish heads or parts of animals in there. Telling the manager about the odor and tell him you are worried someone might have died or something is really wrong or whatever in that apartment.

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