Are there any problems with using a vacuum cleaner when I have…

d s need help to clarify doubt about: : Are there any problems with using a vacuum cleaner when I have kittens around?
I have a really loud vacuum cleaner and I’m afraid that it will scare young kittens (8-12 weeks) that I plan on having in the home. What should I do?

Try this:

Answer by n_aspleaf
get them used to it as young as possible

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. It might frighten them, but they will get used to it. I have two rabbits and they are not at all afraid of the vacuum cleaner. They won’t even get up and move if they are laying on the carpet and I’m trying to vacuum.

  2. well i’m not sure, thier pretty young, and i dont really know any cats at all that stay in the room with a vacuum cleaner. i think you should put them in a different room where they can hear it, but maybe not so it’ll hurt thier ears.

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