What are some simple machines that you can find in a home?

Alicia~ need help to clarify doubt about: : What are some simple machines that you can find in a home?
I’m back with new questions! This is my homework this week, so what are some simple machines that are in a house(or usually)? Cause’ I’m really stumped, haha. Thank you guyyssss!~
And thanks for answering if you did!~
-Alicia <3~:) Try this:

Answer by revoltz
i guess games consoles, computers, thing such as coffee makers, theres loads

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. sewing machine, washing machine, tumble dryer, dishwasher.,coffee maker, vacuum cleaners, phones, computers, cd players, iPods, mobile phones, fax machine, printer, scanner, photocopier.

    The question sounds complex but it’s basically most things you use every day! Haha, hope these every day object help you think of some too! Just thought of another one, a blender, and an ice machine, like the one’s sometimes in refrigerators!

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