can we stop a bullet coming out of gun by blocking the barrel tip…

physicslaw need help to clarify doubt about: : can we stop a bullet coming out of gun by blocking the barrel tip with bare finger?
I think if we block barrel tip in a way that will creat vaccum inside barrel, the bullet fire should not be able to come out crossing the vaccum? Does this work?

Try this:

Answer by Nikki
It’ll stop the bullet, explode the barrel & disintegrate your finger.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Hi

    Vacuum has no effect on the firing of a gun. The gunpower is a compound that contains both fuel and an oxidizer. The pressure generated is in the 20,000 to 65,000 PSI range. A little air pressure in front of the bullet as it goes down the bore will make no difference.

    When the bullet reaches your finger, the fun will begin. First we will assume that you have been able to effectively seal the bore, a highly unlikely situation. The bullet will come into contact with your finger. At that time, it will be moving at a speed ranging from 900 FPS to as much as 5000 FPS. It will have hundreds to thousands of foot pounds of kinetic energy. Much of that will transfer into your finger. First it will cause much of the soft tissue on the end of the finger to disintegrate. This process will cause further movement of your finger out of the barrel. The bullet will then come into contact with the bone. That will splinter, and the bullet may start to expand. By that point, the bullet will have cleared the end of the barrel and so no damage will be done to the gun. Your hand will have quite a bit of damage, you may end up saying ouch.

    If you want to blow up a gun, you need to firmly plug the barrel with something harder than a bullet. The normal procedure is to drive an oversize steel rod about six inches into the barrel, that usually works. It has been known to fail.

  2. The weapon will still fire normally and will likely cycle just fine. The barrel will not explode as other people have mentioned. In fact, mythbusters did a test on this and could not get the barrel to explode.

    If you use your finger, you’ll end up minus a finger, but your weapon will be just fine. This theory only works if the shooter is named Elmer Fudd.

  3. I thought the best way to do this was catch the bullet between your teeth, then spit it back to kill the person who tried to shoot you …

    But seriously, don’t try this at home, kiddies. After 8 tries, you will have no fingers left.

  4. I think your logic is flawless; your mastery of physics unquestionable; your theory beyond reproach. The only detail lacking, that I can see is which finger you should use. Because, remember, you’re going to have to dial 9-1-1 with whatever digit you have remaining.

  5. yes theoretically it would work. but the other answerer was right, it would disintegrate your finger, and ypou would get a reaction called “barrel burst” where a part of the barrel exploded outwards. It depends on the strengh of the gun, because the expansion of hot gas outwards (the noise) might just push the finger out, or at least singe it, in which case the bulklet would fire. Guns have been shown to fire under water, when totally submerged (although ballistically useless).

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