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Tag: dyson vacuum

My Love Fest with Dyson

Amy Mandlman demonstrates why she loves her Dyson vacuum and believes it is the best bagless, pet-hair-sucking vacuum cleaner on the planet. For more...

I need to buy a new vacuum cleaner – is the Dyson really as...

My old vacuum cleaner is slowing breaking down. I've been looking around at new vacuum cleaners and everyone talks about how good the...

My vacuum cleaner fell down the stairs and now it's messed up…

Okay I have a Dyson vacuum cleaner like this one http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/archive/c/c0/20050706020555%21Dyson.cleaner.dc07.arp.jpg/65px-Dyson.cleaner.dc07.arp.jpg and one day while I had it at the top of the...

Does anyone know of a really good vacuum cleaner?

I have teenagers, three cats and a dog. I really need a good vacuum. I am thinking about purchasing a Dyson vacuum but they...

Vacuum cleaner that vacuums long hair?

I have a Dyson vacuum because I was told that it's really good. The problem is that I have long hair and the hair...

my dyson is clogged? or somethings wrong?

I have a dyson vacuum. It usually works great but while vacuuming this morning i took the hose extension off and noticed it had...