Tips on how to keep a betta fish happy and healthy?

Horsiejumper need help to clarify doubt about: : Tips on how to keep a betta fish happy and healthy?
I just bought a veiltail female betta fish and I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to let her have a long healthy aand happy life? And tips will help! Thanks guys!
Do they really have to have a filter? Because I’ve heard that they dont like filters because of how small and delicate they are. But even if that is wrong do u ABSOLUTLEY HAVE TO HAVE ONE?

Try this:

Answer by Brad Stevens
Betta are happier in fish tanks (five gallon) instead of a bowl so that they have lots of room to swim around in

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  1. maintain her water, and feed her well, dried blood worms or other protien sources, and give her something to hide in mine has a castle that she owns and lets no one in or near and she sleeps in it but that and depending on the size of the tank maybe get some other fish, the females are not fighters i have 2 females and 6 tetras and 3 rasboras and an algae eater in a 10 gallon and id say shes very happy

  2. Avoiding small containers is the first tip! Don’t listen to what people say about keeping them in a small glass bowl, because they wont have any room to move around and they can become depressed and sick. It is better to keep them in a small tank (1.5-2 gallons) with a filter. Bigger size the more room and the happier the fish. Don’t put another beta in the same tank because they will fight sometimes to the death. It may sound like a lot of work but try to clean the tank every one to 2 weeks if possible. Don’t feed it any other fish food than ones specially formulated for beta fish. Always be sure to look for signs of illness such as (loss of coloration, white spots, cloudy eyes, reduction in movement and liveliness. If you follow the basic steps you can have a healthy happy beta for many YEARS! They might be the hardiest fish but its best to provide them the best conditions and care possible. Hope I helped!

  3. Things You’ll Need

    Aquarium, at least 35 litres minimum although the bigger the better. Contrary to popular belief, a betta is NOT happiest in a tiny amount of water, a regular fish bowl isn’t good for a betta. While they are happy in large spaces, they do not like open spaces, so make sure you plant the tank well.
    Filter. Essential for any fish care!
    Water conditioner.
    Heater. A good brand is the Hydor Mini Heater. Bettas are tropical fish, they thrive in warm water, you want the temperature to be around 75-80°.
    Decorations such as fake plants (silk plants are best, plastic plants may tear your Betta’s delicate fins) and something for the fish to hide in, like a cave.
    Food. Pellets are best, there are some specially made for bettas.

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