Anyone have any tips for organizing a bedroom?

Sweetly need help to clarify doubt about: : Anyone have any tips for organizing a bedroom?
Okay so my room is a TOTAL mess of confusion… I need some tips.. Any ideas?

Try this:

Answer by unthottie05
clean it

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Toss out all the stuff you haven’t worn, looked at, or read in a year. Get rid of all the junk. You can even donate it. Then organize things in drawers for starters.

  2. Get many boxes and box up everything that is not the basic stuff that goes into the room.

    After your room is cleared of the extra stuff. Organize your room.

    Go back to the boxes and toss everthing that caused your room to be cluttered.

  3. clean it, take your dirty clothes out, put dirty dishes in your sink, and vacumn if nesscesary. of course, u cant really trust me because my room is a whole ‘nother world 🙂 ^_^!!!

  4. tip number one and most important:
    Throw away at least 2 big bags of trash, most people who are unorganized have problems with throwing things away. If its more than a year old, trash it, especially if its a reciept

  5. 1) laundy
    2) put CLEAN clothes away
    3)pick an area at a time and clean when it is done move on to the naxt space
    4) make your bed

  6. stackable containers for the bottom & top of the closet – under the bed boxxes – shelves or shelf units – you can put things in baskets or rubbermaid containers on them

  7. Pull stuff into another room to organize it. otherwise you’ll just keep moving the piles around

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