Any tips on organizing and keeping a house clean?

Dub need help to clarify doubt about: : Any tips on organizing and keeping a house clean?
I have a 6 year old and a kid who will be 3 in july. I also live with my girlfriend. Our house is always trashed. We live in kind of small apartment and it seems like we have to much stuff and cloths. Any tips?

Try this:

Answer by Kajsa Thorsson 🙂
Take a day to throw out anything you don’t want. Set aside 1 day a week to clean.

answer mine?;_ylt=AjOwWfQoU_FJOyw_jHCrK.Lsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100221081730AAhiCAi

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  1. The secret to organized living is to simplify, simplify, simplify. Get rid of all but the necessities, and put those kids to work picking up toys, putting dirty clothes in the hamper and helping out around the house. Their future spouses will thank you.

  2. Once understand the importance of having a simple, organized home, and have taken steps toward creating an atmosphere that aids home relaxation, and have your home the way you want it, you’ll want to hold onto the sense of peace and order you’ve created.

    Clean Regularly: This sounds like the obvious solution to having a mess, but it’s not always easy to do when you have a busy life. However, if you keep a schedule and clean a different room of the house every few days, and do a ‘clean sweep’ before you go to bed each night, you can keep your surroundings clean with minimal effort.

    Stay Organized: As you accumulate new things, be sure you’re also regularly donating and tossing things you no longer use. Also, be sure everything you own has a ‘home’, so you can put things away quickly and find things easily.

    Hire a Helper: You may also want to have someone clean your house once a week or twice a month, which will help you feel like you’re not alone in your efforts, and make it easier to keep things clean the rest of the time.

    Create Peaceful Zones: If you haven’t already, you may want to continue organizing and decorating your space as time goes on. Perhaps you can create a place for journaling or meditation, perhaps a home spa area in your bathroom, or a space for yoga practice in your living room. Think of what areas you would have in an ideal vacation spot, and see if you can re-create them in your home.

    Don’t Stress Over a Little Mess: If you have small children or another situation that makes keeping a clean house especially difficult, give yourself permission to have a little clutter. While it’s great to have minimal clutter, sometimes stressing about an inevitable amount of mess can cause more stress. So, work toward order, but don’t obsess.

  3. When you live in a small space you have to have a place for everything and everything has to be in its place, or it will always look messy.

    To begin, get some garbage sacks. Now go through the house and pick up all the laundry and put it in the garbage sacks. Next the toys, put them in a garbage sack. Then any miscellaneous items in another sack. Open the windows and let in some fresh air. Now clean from top to bottom. Dust, polish, shine, and clean saving the vacuuming for last.

    Go through each garbage sack and pick out the items to keep and items to toss. The children should have a toy box. Each night before bed, they should be taught to put their toys away, make a game out of it. At first you will help, then they are to do this on their own.

    Sort the laundry and wash it and put it away. If it doesn’t have a place then go through all of your family’s clothes and start by getting rid of things that each person doesn’t wear any more. Donate the items to homeless shelter.

    The last thing that you should do before you go to bed it take a walk through your apartment and make sure that everything is put away and that the dishes are done. Staying on top of the clutter, will make cleaning easier. Having everything in its place saves time in the long run.

    Good Luck

  4. You need to have kids’ toy section and keep it organized…bins on a shelf. Fill bins to its small capacity and use the rule “1 in–1 out” (if a new toy comes in….then 1 must be donated or thrown out). Of course this means you will first have to sort through to get the pile dwindled down.

    Clear out clutter…make 3 piles: KEEP, DONATE, TRASH
    throw out anything broken or haven’t been using….goes for anything and everything..even clothes.

    Get things that help you to organize and keep things hidden, things that serve 2 purposes (storage cubes that act as seats and hide stuff), under bed shoe organizers, over the door racks for help with clothing, purses, backpacks, outfit for next day, holding wet towels in the bathroom.

    Cleaning supplies in a handly “grab and go” bucket to go through rooms with ease.

    Keep a new trash bag in bottom of wastebaskets so when you remove the filled one, another bag is ready for you to insert.

    Assign jobs–everyone pitches in.
    Check out this website for great help!….

  5. well if you have to much stuff go through your closets, all members of the family. you will need to help your kids. anything that does not fit or you don’t like or is pretty old donate it somewhere. once all of you have done this, go through your kids toys, are there any that they have outgrown, dont like or dont use? donate those. now everything that is still out and messy find a place for, pack toys away in clear plastic bins in kids closets, fold uyp blankets and put in linen closet, etc. what do you find id most commonly out and in the way? if its toys or clothes make a rule, you will go through your closets once a year, and as soon as you take your clothes off you will all put them in the hamper. you will always put your clean clothes away in your closet or dresser and if its toys you will go through those annually and whenever you take a toy out you will always put it back when your done.

    you will have to constantly remind your kids of this because it won’t just catch on. and if they don’t do it turn it into a game. set aside a special time when you and your wife can clean maybe during nap time everyday and on Saturdays. if you follow this it should work!

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