Tips to get rid of fleas?

We just moved into an older house. Recently we’ve discovered we were not alone in the house. We have a sudden infestation of fleas. We even called an exterminator, he did the works and even treated the ground outside too. He said it’d be about 2 weeks untill there were no more fleas. Sadly, it’s been two weeks and I think there’s more than there was. Everyday we vacuum the furniture and set out a little bowl of water under a night light to help minimize it as much as possible.

Oh and we don’t have any pets. The little guests are coming up from the basement where it’s wet and a partial dirt floor. Apparently they can lay dorment for years. Sneaking little devils.

I’m hoping to find more ways we can help fight this battle on a daily basis. Any good home remedies, or tricks that might have worked for you.

I appreciate any help.


  1. Older home is the real clue here. While it is true the eggs will keep hatching for a while they don’t lay dormant for months or years. They cannot keep re infesting without a food source. You think they are coming from the basement and you might be right. It does help to vacumn and more than the furniture. Any carpets or rugs you have need it to. Do it daily and dispose of the bags – away from the house. My guess and it is a guess since I have not been there is that you may have mice, flying squirrels or even bats living with you. You said you have no pets so they must be feeding off of something unless it is you. Older homes typically have one or all of the critters mentioned. Fleas will get food where ever they can, even a stray cat getting into your basement may be the source.

    While it is good to know where they are and why it is even better to get rid of them. If you have a contract with the pest control company call them back. Even if it was an odd job (one shot deal) tell them they did not get the job done and you want it finished.

    If you do not get satisfaction from them, do it yourself. Forget the gimmicks and traps non-sense go for the kill. Vacumn everything again and then buy a spray called Home Defense at what ever store you prefer – most carry it now. Set the sprayer for a fan spray. Spray the basement floor all over and up the baseboards up to a foot. The spray is almost completely odorless. Will not harm anything water will not harm as far as a stain goes. Do take care in not spraying childrens toys or food. Don’t spray anything electrical that could be harmed – use common sense! Now work your way upstairs and do the carpets, rugs and upholstered furniture. Do the drapes if water will not stain them up to a foot. Do the entire floor. Do anything that you have found them on short of food, toys and clothing. Do not go higher on the floor than a foot or two – no need too. What I am telling you to do is cover the surface they dwell on. Protect anything that contacts food or will come in contact with food or childrens things. This stuff will last up to a year inside so it will get the new ones hatching out. Vacumn a lot for a while just to keep the young ones off of you. Check for mouse dropping and set traps. Check you attic for squirrels. Look for bats just before dark coming from your attic. Close any openings they could go through while they are out at night. Watch for stray cats and dogs. Use a granular insecticide outside to prevent any insect from getting in. You now have pest control as close as you will get to professional on your own.

  2. Boric Acid! You can generally find it at hardware & home improvement stores. It comes in powder form and in general is considered "safe" to animals however inhalation or ingestion is poisonous. It works very well to get rid of ants, fleas & cockroaches~ I used to to get rid of fleas by just sprinkling the powder around the carpet, waiting a couple hours then vacuuming and repeating a few days later, leaving some in corners and along baseboards. My understanding is that it works by dehydrating the pests so they do not build up an immunity. I suggest you read the label because many varieties sold in stores have a high percentage of an added insecticide. It worked wonders for me to get rid of fleas and I am a dog owner.

  3. Spread flea powder over entire floor let it sit for a couple days then vacuum it up. The powder will get in the cracks kill eggs Google flea powder lot’s of info.

  4. You have to keep it up. Sprays will kill the fleas but then new ones hatch out so you have to spray agian. Call the exterminator and tell them you still have fleas. Many exterminators will retreat for free if the first treatment did not do the job. Exterminators have better spays and chemicals than what you can buy at the home center.

    Home remidies are a waste of time. You have a serious infestation that requires chemical treatment.

  5. You might be dealing with the hatching eggs. They are hard to kill.

    Baking soda and salt.
    Borax 20 mule team powder or
    Gold bond foot powder, or the store brand will work.
    The borax needs to be spot tested on carpet before using.

    You put this lightly on the carpet and work in with a broom.

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