Vacuum tube Q's.. i've got tubes… a lot of tubes.?

I have a ton of vacuum tubes and a few questions to go with. My grandfather was the main man at the Sylvania facility where I am from. There are all sorts of questions I wish i could ask him.. but unfortunately, he no longer has the capacity to entertain. The main thing I wonder about is testing a tube. Does anybody know if companies in the "vacuum tube" business offer testing and validity of tubes?
I have boxes full.. I know some are rare and/or high end. I’d like to sell some of them so tuition can stop tearing my pockets apart (you know how it is). I assume all of them work (a lot are packaged) but a lot are just loosely assorted. My grandmother said they were set for life as far as tubes went.. every possible tube for each electronic. haha I believe that.
I even have boxes of unused parts (plates..getters, and some glass envelope bodies). Any tips on what I can do with all of this stuff?

Somebody please enlighten me.


  1. You can get tube testers in the used equipment market.

    Depending on the tubes, they may have inerest for antique radio and TV restorers, amateur radio hobbyists, or tube/vintage part collectors.

  2. Tubes are not as rare as you think. Russia still make sthem, but they are indeed still being used and some models maybe valuable.
    You can try electronic flea markets, Craigslist, e-bay, just to name a few.
    Good luck.

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