What are your tips on making sure you get your deposit back?

fasterthanilook451 need help to clarify doubt about: : What are your tips on making sure you get your deposit back?
I am moving out of my first apartment next month and wondering what tips you have on cleaning and making sure you get your deposit back. We have a 2 bedroom apartment with a fire place. Does anyone have any tips? The apartment isn’t bad but we really want it to be certain that we will get our deposit back.

Try this:

Answer by L
Make sure there are no major scratches on the walls or any smashed windows, also if the plumbing is not leaking then you are pretty much guaranteed to get your deposit back.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Start in the kitchen and scrub it down. That includes cabinets, inside and out. Stove including oven. Refrigerator clean inside then put a box of baking soda in it. Pull refrigerator away from the wall and vacuum the back and underneath. Wash windows. Bathroom clean everything. Go room by room and wash dirt off walls, clean windows and blinds. Vacuum floors and shampoo carpeting. Wash all light fixtures. This is heavy duty cleaning and make sure the apt smells clean

  2. Make a detailed list including pictures of any damage or issues with the house as soon as you move in. Sign and date it, and hand it into the landlord. Make sure you keep a copy.

    As for cleaning, just be really thorough. My rule of thumb is always “would I mind moving into this space?”

  3. Make sure it is clean enough that someone can move in right behind you and be happy. Also, that everything works, there is no damage.

  4. make sure the place looks better than when you moved in.

    For future places, before you anything in, take pictures of everything and make a list of any minor scratches, etc. Keep a copy for yourself and give one to the landlord

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