What can I put in my tank instead of gravel or sand?

Gypsy need help to clarify doubt about: : What can I put in my tank instead of gravel or sand?
I’ve had my tanks for 8 years now and its time to redo them. I want to eliminate the gravel all together because I’m sick of having to clean it. What are some alternatives because I’d rather not have just a glass bottom although for the simplicity of cleaning it would make it really easy. Any suggestions so it doesn’t look so plain?

Also, I have some fake plants…. any suggestions how to anchor them down if I decide not to put anything on the bottom of the tank?

Try this:

Answer by John B
It sounds like you are just loosing interest. I would suggest to use some sort of substrate. I have Petco brand of Aquarium Sand. It’s larger than sand but smaller than gravel. It’s small enough so waste doesn’t go down in it and large enough to vacuum. It maybe the answer to what you want. I have it in all of my tanks and when I vacuum, not a lot of waste or even discoloring. I love it. Great for loaches, cories and even plants.


What do you think? Answer below!


  1. I’d anchor down the plants by maybe tying just one large rock to them. Then instead of having a huge layer of gravel as a substrate, just put like a thin layer, like two rocks deep, so waste will sink into it and not float about the tank and be unsettled as fish swim above it but will be sooooooo much easier to keep clean!!

  2. Hi. Firstly if you decide to go bare bottom then to anchor your plants down you could use lead strips widely available from most fish retailers. However this may be a little unsightly. In relation to the gravel issue and easy maintenance, i know you don’t want to use sand but it is easier to hoover up the waste with a syphon than it is on gravel. You could get slate chippings of a medium size which would be as easy as a bare bottom tank to clean. If you do get slate then make sure its from an aquatics shop as you will know for sure that no chemicals are on them. happy aquascaping!

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