What is a flase vacuum?

Dwight Howard need help to clarify doubt about: : What is a flase vacuum?
So I was reading this article (link here: http://www.fathom.com/course/10701055/session5.html ) and it stated that the universe is a flase vacuum, and It might transform into a new vacuum state, and when it does, the phase transition will change the laws of physics that we have today. Can someone explain this to me in simple terms? Thanks, I appreciate it!

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  1. What its saying is that in a vacuum (space, with no matter at all, the lowest level of energy possible) the energy level is the lowest it can be. But the problem is we can only measure things by comparing them to other things. So maybe this lowest energy level is not really the lowest. If that was true it would be possible for it to drop to a lower energy state. This would effect how things work in that location. This lower state would effectively drag down the energy of the surrounding area and this would continue until the whole of space was ‘converted’. This is a metastability event.

    I must stress however, we dont KNOW that we are living in a false vacuum. Its just a thought. And even if we were that doesnt mean that a metastability event would event happen. Its all just hypothetical so dont worry about it.

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