Whats the best type of diet to stick to for Jiu-Jitsu ??? (dont say…

Critter101 need help to clarify doubt about: : Whats the best type of diet to stick to for Jiu-Jitsu ??? (dont say the Gracie diet please)?
I currently Train brazilian jiujitsu as much as possible and do my other workouts on the side. But I’m still trying to find out what type of diet I should stick to. I understand the basics, eat as heathly as possible, and clean. Please dont tell me anything about the gracie diet cause I can not keep up with that kind. Please provide me with your knowledge, especially the hardcore jiu-jitsu guys…….

Try this:

Answer by David N
If you consume fewer calories than you burn off, you will lose weight.

If you just eat healthy food, your system will know what it needs. When I was doing fairly heavy duty martial art workouts, I drank a gallon of whole milk a day, ate about 3 times more than I previously did and still lost weight until I got down to my fighting trim.

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  1. The best type of diet for any martial artist is a simple thing-

    Eat food that is good for you, don’t stuff your face, and drink lots of water.

    Anything else is just overblown for profit.

  2. I highly recommend Crossfit as well. If you want to increase your stamina and strength there is nothing better. If you are looking for a diet plan as far as your meals. The one I like the best is the Men’s Health “Belly Off” Plan. Don’t be fooled by the name if you think it is just for people trying to lose a lot of weight; it is great to stay healthy and maintain your diet.
    The great thing about the plan is it truly healthy, free and it is gives you everything you need. Go to the website and you can download your grocery list and how to make each meal, along with what you should eat for each day/meal.

  3. Diet is a matter of personal preference, as there are diets for building muscle, toning up, slimming down, etc. If you want some cool info on dieting and exercise you might want to check out the links off the CrossFit web site:
    I’ve been doing their workout for the last year or so and have enjoyed it along with my regular training in SiKal and Kodekan Jujitsu
    The diet that I am currently using is 5 meals a day and fairly simple:
    Breakfast (6am) is a starch, carb and protien (pbj and banana sandwich)
    Brunch (9am)is a fruit smoothie with vitamin B
    Lunch (12-1)is a large salad, protien (fish or chicken or beans), and carbonated soda (coke)
    Tea (3-4) (yes I said tea) is usually some non salted trailmix like: pinenuts, almonds, chia seeds, raisons and dried apples.
    Dinner (6-7) is my largest meal, and varies from soup and salad to burritos – chips and salsa, or a good steak (any protien or meat) with rice or potato.

    I’m not a vegetarian, but I do eat that way a lot of the time, just because of the simplicity. The other diet that I really enjoyed was the “real diet” which was only eating foods that you could still recognize as to what they had originally been. For example a steak and baked potato instead of hamburger and fries.
    You might want to look at the nutrition pyramids located at: http://www.vegsource.com/nutrition/pyramid.htm
    and kind of use them as a base to build off of.

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