Why does my vacuum work for a few minutes and then shut off?

This happens even without any hoses attatched, so I know that it is not caused by a clog in the hose. I accidentally tipped the vac over one day, as it is rather light weight, and have had trouble ever since. Oh yes, If I leave the vacuum plugged in, after a few minutes (after it has shut off) it will start itself up again. I hope someone has an answer for me. Thanks


  1. i think the chances are high that it is overheating and a temperature sensor is opening.

    Why is it over heating? Well maybe there is a clog between where the hose attaches and where the dirt goes? Is the bag or the swirly tank full?.. Another reason could be that the brush thingy is jammed or the belt that drives the brush thingy is jammed….the ends of the brush thingy could tangled with hairs or carpet fibers etc….

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