How to clean a carpet without a vacuum cleaner?

Helena need help to clarify doubt about: : How to clean a carpet without a vacuum cleaner?
I have a party tomorrow and my vacuum cleaner broke. (And no, I can’t go buy a new one right now). I have a dog that sheds so my carpet is a mess. How can I clean it in time?

Please don’t suggest a lint roller.


Try this:

Answer by Siobohn
I have the same problem and i got a very high endurance broom by dirt devil and it work use no vacum foam to lift any access hair dirt and odor

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. Apart from using a brush
    Put a pair of rubber gloves on wet them and just
    using your hands wipe the carpet all pet hairs and fluff
    will stick to your gloves
    Depends how big an area it is to clean ?

  2. This has happened to me in the past! A broom and dustpan work wonders for me, so much in fact that’s the way i clean my carpeted stairs now instead of lugging the vacuum!

  3. Carpet sweeper or if you have a swiffer mop, try using that but just dabbing it up instead of moving it? I would try those.

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