What are some good tips for freshening a home?

claire need help to clarify doubt about: : What are some good tips for freshening a home?
My boyfriend is in the process of giving up smoking, until then there’s no point in me trying but once he has done it (I’m sure he can), what are some good tips to get the smell of smoke out of everything? I know carpets can be shampooed but I have a 2″ thick carpet that I dare not get wet! Opening the windows is ok to a certain extent but I really want a blast of freshness! Any ideas?
I do vacuum every day by the way! To be honest, I think it’s a kinda unclean person who doesn’t! Also, thank you for your tips but I should mention I’m in the UK so might not be able to get some products. (Except Febreze of course).

Try this:

Answer by amanda
try the febreeze 7 day challenge. and vaccuum everyday. Keep your windows open and light nice candles.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Vinegar & newspaper for glass, windows etc. Lemons left overnight usually get rid of most smells cut in half of course.

  2. Another idea is to hide fabric softner sheets in couches and trashcans and anyother place you can think of. They smell good and are easy to hide.

  3. Baking soda does work for a lot of odors, so maybe you can use that on the rug that you can’t get wet.

    Also, try using white vinegar to clean your glass. It really does clean well, and does seem to help with a lot of smells too.

    And for a while when I had a pet that kept getting sick on my bedding. I would wash that, then rub cinnamon and cloves into the matress, and vacuum it out after a while. It worked beautifully!

    Good luck! And I’ll be cheering your boyfriend on!

  4. Vanilla beans, potpoury, fresh orange and lemon peel in a nice dish or hidden in a flower pot.
    Buy some dried eucalyptus and arrange in a nice vase.
    Our grocery stores have carpet fresh for pets and smokers, you just sprinkle it on the carpet, leave for a while and vaccuum up

    vinegar works too but it stinks.

    Good luck

  5. A mixture of baking soda ,citris oil and water. Everything mixes better if you boil the water. Baking soda absorbes odors, citris oil has a fresh long lasting odor and of course the water is the carrier.

  6. Yuppers! I have the perfect air-freshener—-> Good-ol-Baking Soda! Sprinkle generously on the carpet, let stand 5 mins, then vac. It does wonders for freshening up all most every thing!!

  7. You need to wipe down and clean everything in the home….everything that was smoked around has now collected it. Also wash down all of your walls…..and shampooing the carpets really needs to be done for the best results…If you’re not willing though, at least get some of that carpet fresh powder, sprinkle it down and then vacuum it back up off the carpet…they have smoke/odor removal kinds. You also will need to wash all the curtains and window coverings to get rid of the smell. Febreeze everything when you’re done….the carpets, drapes and furniture. It sounds like alot, but really it will be well worth it. Also get a good air freshener or scented candles and start burning those…he’ll notice the fresh smell really well too because when we quit smoking our sense of smell goes back to where it naturally should be as well as our sense of taste. Enjoy the new smoke-free environment!!

  8. Ozium will give you a blast of citrus freshness, instantly and will keep working long after you spray it. It is formulated to break down the chemicals in cigarette smoke that cause odors. You can also use the new Lysol freshener for upholstery which does the same thing on fabric. If you want to continue to have freshness, get a furnace filter at the home improvement store. You attach them to your furnace filter and everytime you turn on either the heater or AC the scent is distributed throughout the house. They come in a variety of wonderful scents, too.

    If you cannot find these products at the discounters or drug stores, try using Borax or baking soda on your carpet and upholstery. Leave it on as long as you can and then vacuum it up. You can also leave plain old white vinegar in bowls around the rooms for a couple of days, it will remove odors, but will also smell like what it is, vinegar.

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